Queen of Love - Page 50

Well, the banging made her wealth relevant.

“When you imagine me coming into your bedroom and having my way with you,” Aya texted, “what exactly are you fantasizing about? Don’t hold back.”

Aya put down her phone and got ready for bed. The day off she spent in Yokohama, meeting with old friends and their kids were behind her now. She had work early in the morning – but Aya would not sleep until she had unearthed another piece of Genevieve’s fascinating soul.

When Aya returned from the shower and put on her pajamas, she flopped back down on the bed and picked up her phone again.

There was a fresh reply from Genevieve.

“I imagine you helping yourself to whatever you desire.”

Instead of taking that face value, Aya considered the subtext of Genevieve’s words.

“Do you want me to have complete and total control over you? Just in that room? Or beyond it, too?”

Genevieve was labeled as “typing” for so long, Aya expected to see either a large paragraph, or a short one that had been written and deleted many times over.

“What I really want can’t be distilled into a single text, Ms. Aya, but I’ll try. I want all of you to have all of me. It’s my nature. Back when I was a Domme, I similarly approached things. I’d put all of myself into the relationship, the scene, the moment – whatever. I needed my partner to feel like we were completely one. Like there was nothing else in the world that would stop us from truly knowing what it meant to feel alive, just the two of us.”

She was still typing. Aya waited for the rest to come before replying.

“I know that doesn’t really answer your question. I think these are questions we can’t answer until we’ve been together in person more. It’s also much too early for me to ask you to completely own my heart and soul… but I like to think about it. When it comes to sex, I could… please don’t take this the wrong way… use more if you’re willing to give it. I’ve spent so long on top that I want to feel the full brunt of what it’s like on the other side. It gives me a thrill like you won’t believe any longer. I’m truly difficult to offend in that regard. Don’t hold yourself back the next time we’re together. Spank me, tie me up, fuck me dizzy… I don’t care, Ms. Aya. What I really desire is to feel that part of you.”

“Did you like my request the other day?”


“Would you like to see more like that? Do you want me to intrude upon whatever you’re doing, at any moment, and make demands of you?”

Genevieve didn’t immediately respond, much to Aya’s anxious chagrin. Great. I blew it now. She would know the perfect way to say that in Japanese. Not so much English, which was also not technically Genevieve’s native language.


Genevieve wrote that in Japanese, hiragana included.

“Before you give me something, Ms. Aya, let me ask something of you first.”


“I’m hosting a party here in Singapore at my estate. I’m inviting only my closest friends in my circle who happen to be in town. I want you here this Wednesday.”

“Wednesday? Genny, I’ve got work.”

“You let me worry about that. I only need to know if you want to spend a long weekend with me. I’ll have you back by Sunday evening.”

“My work…”

“I told you, let me worry about that. If I spoil you a bit, you’ll spoil me all you want in return. After I introduce you to my inner circle.”

”Is this like meeting your parents?”

“Oh, definitely. Some of my friends aren’t really ‘friends’ as much as they are the biggest bitches in determining who gets to be with whom in the long run. But don’t worry about them. I outrank all of them.”Although Aya was familiar with what that meant, she wasn’t about to immediately say yes. After all, how was she supposed to get last-minute time off work? Takatani would never agree to it, and Ishida would only agree if Takatani told him to do it. Otherwise, Aya could request some time off a month in advance… maybe a week…

“Golden Week is soon.”

“I have other plans for your Golden Week.”

“It’s the week after, Genny!”

Tags: Cynthia Dane Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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