Queen of Love - Page 63

Chapter 20

Ayahadn’texpecteda sudden four-day trip to Singapore to refresh her so much, especially after the first hectic day that included traveling, shopping, and attending a large party in a new country. Yet by Sunday, when Genevieve accompanied her to the airport and saw her off at security, they were sharing kisses and talking about what they would do that upcoming Friday when Golden Week began. Assuming Genevieve could finalize her plans. So far, she had one suite booked in Shinjuku, but they could only give her a room for four days. She was still searching for a place to change to for the second half of the week.

“It’ll work out,” she had said at the airport, her hands grabbing Aya’s shirt collar and beseeching yet another kiss. “I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you already.”

Aya ignored the people staring at them, from teenagers with teddy-bear-shaped bags to aunties and uncles with absolutely no shame. Whatever they muttered to each other in Mandarin was unknown to Aya, and Genevieve paid them no mind. If she’s fine with it, so am I. She figured everyone was trying to discern if she were male or female, anyway.

“Time goes by quickly.” Aya rubbed her thumb against Genevieve’s chin. “Soon enough, I’ll be treating you to some of the finest poor people’s food in Tokyo.”

Genevieve grinned. “I look forward to it.”

“You haven’t eaten until you’ve sat at the end of some divey ramen bar.”

“Sounds delicious.”

With a laugh on her lips, Aya stepped away. She needed to get to her gate before it closed. “I’ll text you when I land. Take care, Genny.”

Saying her nickname always made Genevieve light up. It was in those moments Aya forgot she was looking at the infamous Queen of Love she had been warned about.

Get your mind off that crap. She didn’t look back as she trekked through security and to her gate, where she was boarded first class. She sank into her plush seat as the Singaporean Airline stewardess offered her a free glass of champagne, which Aya declined. She took soda water, instead. She’s more genuine than those people spreading rumors. They were jealous. Of Genevieve’s wealth. Of Orchid Grove. Of such impossible beauty that still made the breath catch in Aya’s chest.

She didn’t even care when she went to work the next morning and Takatani immediately called her into his office.

“I’ll cut to the case, Sugiya-san.” He waited for the secretary to close the door before turning his tablet toward Aya. There, enlarged on the LCD screen, was a clear picture of Aya and Genevieve at Newton Food Centre, slimy, spicy noodles dipping against Genevieve’s chin while Aya laughed. “What is this about? Don’t lie to me, either. We know you’re queer.”

While Aya was speechless at first, she kept her cool and referred to other employees who had dated clients – while they were on the roster, no less. “If this is about our genders, I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t? Really?” Takatani hooted for half a second before clearing his throat. “Look, your personal business is yours. I’m not firing you for being anything but a professional employee who makes sales and gets things done, but this fraternizing with Lady Liu has got to go underground, for God’s sake. It was already a load of bull that she needed you in Singapore for business. If our clients see this shit, it could reflect poorly on us. Come on. You know how this works.”

Indeed, Aya did. In fact, she should have known better than to publicly flirt with and kiss Genevieve, even in another country. People were everywhere. People who recognized Genevieve, who was a celebrity in her homeland. All because she’s rich and fashionable. Whoever sent this picture to Atsukatta Real Estate was probably another client who recognized them both. Or their nosy cousin. Takatani would never tell.

“Can I ask you something, shachou?” Aya braved toward the end of the meeting.

Takatani grunted an affirmative.

“Did you put me on this account because the client was buying a girl bar in Shinjuku Ni-chome? Obviously, you must have known what that was about.”

“Are you asking if I put you on the account because you’re both homos? Ha! Funny how that worked out, huh? Almost like you knew how to sell that piece of crap building.”

“I assure you, it was nothing but professional then.”

“Sure, sure. Look, I don’t want details, Sugiya-san. I only want you to stay away from the cameras. If we start losing clients or the tabloids pick this up, I’ll have to take drastic measures. Such as possibly suspending you.”

Aya sighed. “It won’t happen again.”

“Tell you what,” Takatani said after a long and awkward pause between them. “I’ll be more inclined to go to bat for you, should worse come to worse, if you sell that woman some damn real estate. You’ve already showed her some residences around town. Make a sale the next time you’re in town, and you’re good as gold in my book.”

Aya raised an eyebrow. “I mean, I know her pretty well by now…”

“Ohoho. I bet.”

”…But I can’t make her buy something, even if I’m sure it’s the perfect place.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way. You like your job, right?”

“Of course, I like my job, shachou, but I can’t control the energy of the universe.”

“Sell the woman an apartment the next time you’re out on company time. I have faith in you. After all, you’re one of my top employees. It would be a damn shame if I had to let you go as I was starting to consider you for promotion.”

Tags: Cynthia Dane Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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