Queen of Love - Page 69

“I was honestly surprised to hear you weathered the pandemic in Taipei with only one bedroom, Genny.”

“I did have a three-bedroom suite for most of the pandemic, but I ‘downsized’ when a spot opened up in my building of choice. By that time, I was traveling again, but I like what I have now. Honestly, Orchid Grove is so unruly, I kinda like traveling to my apartments and having something simple.”

“Did I show you the walk-in closet?”

Genevieve grinned. “Yes. Impressive. That definitely sells it.”

Aya returned to the counter and opened her briefcase. She placed the paper outlining the financials next to her case and made room for Genevieve to come over and look. It was definitely spendy. Spendier than her Taipei apartment? Ha! No! Except Genevieve spent enough time in Taiwan to make it worth it. Her Hong Kong apartment was much cheaper. So had been her Canadian penthouse before prices went up. She was honestly thinking about selling it to offset the cost of a Tokyo apartment. She’d still come out ahead.

“How much are the taxes, though?” Genevieve politely asked.

Out came another piece of paper. Aya had helpfully highlighted the numbers.

“That does change things a bit.”

“You didn’t hear it from me, but this building has a deal with the Shibuya government. The taxes are lower on units here. I think the owner is related to a high-ranking official.”

“Sounds very familiar.” That was half of the stories Genevieve heard from her friends.

“I’ll think about it.” Genevieve’s coy assertion did not immediately endear Aya to her. “Does that work for you?”

Aya rubbed her chin before standing up straight. “No.”

Genevieve was slightly taken aback. “No?”


I’m confused… Not only that Aya would tell her “no,” but because her stance was so… assertive. The way Aya leaned against the counter with her hand on her hip was undeniably masculine. Moreso than she usually acted around Genevieve when they were in private.

“Do you think you are my father?” Genevieve teased. “Or my husband? Because there’s a reason I don’t have one of those.” She had plenty of offers over the years. Some of them would have been her husband by now if she were inclined.


“Then why are you acting like this? Not that it isn’t cute on you, mind.”

“Because that’s how confident I am that this is the place. It checks your boxes.”

“Mm, no whirlpool tub.”

“You don’t need it.”

“I don’t?”

“You really think you’ll be spending that much time in the bathtub when you’re here? I’ll keep you too busy for anything but a rinse off in the shower.”

“My goodness.” Genevieve’s composure slipped, no matter how much she attempted to maintain it. “You’re really cracking fire over there, Ms. Aya.”

“Yes. I like it when you call me that.”

“You do? You’ve always been so cagey about it.”

“I like this dynamic we have going. You said so yourself… you want someone who tells you what to do.”

“Ah, well…” Genevieve blushed. “I don’t know if that includes telling me what to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on.”

“It does if I know you as well as I know I do.”

“Aya…” Like a moth attracted to that crackling fire, Genevieve came closer, hand reaching for her girlfriend’s. I think she’s my girlfriend… “Husband” was really ticking the box right now. “I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s turning me on.”

Tags: Cynthia Dane Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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