Sinful - Page 23

But his shirt sleeves are rolled up, the top few buttons open, revealing the tattoos I remember. There’s a presence to him that wasn’t there before. It’s not that he’s filled out with corded muscle or that two years has added an irresistible maturity to his looks. It’s not even his confidence or swagger. That was there when I met him. No. There’s a dangerous air to him, a darkness now.

It suffocates the room.

Even when he’s just looking at me…

And his eyes are empty.

What happened to him to make him so closed off and devoid of emotion?

I let out a sigh, ripping my gaze away from him to glance briefly out of the window as soon as the door closes.

Then I look at him again, steeling myself not to see Romain but to see just another student. “This has got to stop.”

He frowns. “Whatever do you mean, miss? What’s got to stop?”

“Cut the bullshit,” I say. “You and your friends are making my life hell, and you know it.”

He smirks, unable to help himself. “Oh, that,” he shifts his gaze to the floor and then up to me, shaking his head. “Sorry, no can do. They’re pissed at you.”

“You have to tell them to stop.”

“I don’t have to tell them to do anything.”

I glare at him. “Look, I know you….” I take a breath and shift my gaze from the bottomless pit of his eyes for just a moment. “I know you hate me for what happened. But I didn’t do it to hurt you. If I’d have known how old you were—”

“You would have what? Not come back to my hotel room and let me fuck you over and over until you screamed my name? Because you fucking did,” he says casually, as though we’re talking about the weather.

I gnaw at my bottom lip. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I truly am.”

He snorts. “You’re also fucking delusional.”

“You need to let me go, Romain.” My throat constricts as I say it, but I force it out. I’m done with his games. I’m done with him.

His face hardens into a sneer. “I already have, you dumb bitch.”

“Calling me names won’t stop me from reporting you all for kidnapping my cat,” I snap back. “Where’s Ravenclaw?’

“See, fucking delusional. Why would I want your cat?”

I clench my fists as rage burns deep in my chest. “I know you have him.”

“I don’t have your cat. I’m not a fan of cats.” He gives a slow shake of his head, eyes running up and down the length of my body. I’m wearing a trouser suit today. I thought he couldn’t eye-fuck me covered up, but I’m so wrong. Just one drag of his gaze from my head to my toes has me trembling, burning where I stand. “Pussy, always. Cats, I’d rather not. I much prefer dogs as pets. Easier to train.”

“Don’t play games with me, Romain.”

He snorts a laugh.

“And don’t mess up your future for one mistake.”

Pulling away from the wall, he walks over to me. “Still trying to threaten me?”

“I’m giving you a chance,” I say in exasperation.

He gives a harsh laugh, “You’re dumber than I thought. Dragging me in here to get me to call off my boys. Accusing me of taking your damn cat.”

“Lacey was wearing Raven’s collar on her wrist,” I choke out.

His eyes narrow. “Then why aren’t you fucking speaking to her about it?”

Tags: Mallory Fox Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024