Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed) - Page 60

“Ye-e-s?” She swiveled her ass in a gloriously sexy circle, taking his cock on the ride of its life. Then, she sank an inch lower, pulled back up immediately. Did it again.

Too slow, too shallow. He wanted to come now.

And yet. This was elegant, sensual torture like he’d never had before, even more intense than on the beach, and the part of him that wasn’t ready to scream was enjoying it—and Addie—very, very much.

He wanted her with him next year, all year, every day of it.

Another inch, another, then she froze, held still with him halfway home. She could probably feel the impatient jumps of his penis inside her. Derek waited as long as he could, ragged breathing betraying his true state.

“Addie. Have mercy.”

“Like you did on me?”

“Well, eventually...”

She laughed and half twisted her upper torso, started playing with her breasts for his benefit—or detriment as the case might be—pushing them up in a sublime offering, drawing her palms across the nipples, letting her head drop back with the pleasure she was giving herself.

That was it.

He took hold of her waist and pushed her firmly down on top of him, letting out a hoarse sigh at the tight, slick feel of her around him. All of him. Finally.


He ignored her outrage, lifted and dropped her, pushed and pulled, thrusting his hips up and down, making her have to steady herself by grabbing the gunwales of the boat, her head bouncing, moans showing her own pleasure.

His orgasm didn’t wait long. He lost control in a few more seconds, pumped her savagely, and came in a huge burst that made his mouth open in a long, silent yell.

Holy moly.

It was a few moments before he could move again.


“Yes?” Her tone was soft, tender, sweet. He lifted her off him, cringing with regret when he slid out, a regret that was swiftly over when he pulled her back against him, wrapped his arms tightly around her, even knowing their time was nearly over, wanting to keep her close.

She wouldn’t move to be with him on Joie de Vivre. Why would she? She had a job, an apartment, a whole life. It was completely absurd for him even to entertain hope that she’d give it up for him.

And yet...if he’d let huge odds keep him from trying, he wouldn’t be a yacht owner at all.

“What would you say if I asked you again, Addie?”

She laughed, relaxed and warm against him. “This answer wouldn’t count.”


“No. Sexually induced slavery is not a fair bargaining tool.”

He grinned. “I’m pretty sure the slavery goes both ways here.”

“Derek.” She was serious this time. “I have a job.”

“I know.”

“An apartment.”


“It’s not like I can just leave.”


“I mean...” She gestured in exasperation. “Jobs aren’t exactly a dime a dozen.”

“Right. I understand.”

“And rent-controlled apartments are even rarer.”

“Got it.”

“Besides, I’m thinking—”

“Come on, Addie. Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”

She giggled in his arms, and he felt a powerful piercing sweetness in his heart that could only be one thing. He loved her. It had happened, much sooner than he thought after meeting her, much later in life than he expected. So he was capable of the emotion, he just hadn’t been in the right place at the right time with the right person. And now, he’d fallen within a few days of knowing Addie, as if his capacity for love had been hiding in the wings his whole life waiting impatiently for him to get it right, and now couldn’t wait to let him know he had.

“Right now I’d do anything you asked me to.”

“Yeah?” He pretended to think it over. “How about swimming over to that island and picking me some—”

“Except that.”

He laughed and kissed her, then kissed her again, and since it didn’t seem as if there could possibly be anything more wonderful in the world to do, he settled in to kissing her, tasting her mouth over and over, holding her warmth to him, immersing himself in their cocoon of intimacy in this tiny boat on this vast, dark ocean.

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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