Turn Up the Heat - Page 75

Yes, she loved the fantasy of love as much as the next person. Which was probably partly why she’d always wanted an over-the-top Valentine’s Day. Maybe she had idealized her relationship with Chuck to a certain extent. Maybe she was in danger of doing it again with Justin.

But she couldn’t believe he was manipulating her. Not after what they shared last night and just now.

The phone rang again. Justin this time. It had to be. He’d make her feel better, get rid of this ridiculous self-doubt.

No, an unlisted number. “Hello?”

“Candy Cane. It’s me.”

Her eyes bugged wide. Oh, my God. Not Justin. Chuck.

“You there, honey?”

Honey? “I’m here.”

“I thought I’d give you a call to say hi. It’s been so long, and I’ve missed you. I wanted to hear how you were doing.”

“I—” How to answer that with any honesty and coherence when Chuck was asking? Chuck! Candy couldn’t believe she was hearing his voice. And yet, oddly, it had always seemed impossible she never would again. “I’m fine.”

“Do you miss me?”

What the hell? If he’d asked her that a month ago, maybe even a couple of weeks ago… “What’s going on with Kate?”

“That’s over, baby. I was crazy. It’s not the same. She wasn’t—I made a mistake.”

Candy closed her eyes, trying to control her temper. “A mistake? Breaking my heart into tiny splinters and stomping all over them was a mistake? ”

“It took losing you to realize what we had.”

Her temper refused to be held back any longer. “Sounds like it took losing her to make you realize what we had. You lonely now, Chuck? Life not as fun as it was?” She thought of all those long nights she’d spent crying in bed, trying to understand why he’d left her, how he could have given up on something so special.

“I don’t blame you for being angry. But I’d like to see you.”

He was clearly off balance, surprised by her reaction. What did he think, that she’d come running back without so much as a second thought? Is that how little he respected her or thought she respected herself? She was shaking with fury; she couldn’t believe the clean, hard depth of it.

“I’m really busy, Chuck. I’m sorry.”

“Are you seeing someone?”

“Yes. I am.”

“It’s not like it was with us, is it?”

Candy couldn’t respond intelligently. Apples and oranges.

Someone solid and dependable she’d known for years, someone new and exciting she’d only recently met.

“I know how that is, Candy, when someone seems fresh and fascinating. You think it’s the real thing so you follow it.

But it’s not, it’s like a soap bubble, enticing for a while, but 192

it doesn’t last. I see that clearly now. Candy, honey, what we had was meant to last forever. You told me that when I told you I was leaving, remember?” His voice broke. “I wish I’d listened to you. You were right.”

“Chuck…” Her anger started to fizzle out. Deep sadness and regret waited to take its place.

“I need to see you to believe there’s no hope for us anymore.

If I don’t give our relationship this last shot, I’ll be wondering for the rest of my life if I should have tried harder.”

Candy’s heart threatened to thaw like the snow outside.

She’d never heard Chuck sounding this emotional, or this humble. Or this wise.

“I’ll always be wondering, Candy.” His voice slowed. “And so will you. You know it’s true.”

A prickle of irritation. He’d always defined her emotions for her. She recognized the annoyance immediately but had never understood its source, instead assuming she was annoyed at being caught in the wrong. But she wasn’t wrong this time.

He’d had his chance with her and she’d been as devoted to him as she knew how until he found his soap bubble and ran.

What more was there to say? Candy was starting something with Justin. Chuck had no place here.

“I’m sorry, Chuck. I don’t think it’s appropriate. I wish you everything wonderful in your life, but I can’t be part of it anymore.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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