Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3) - Page 47

I had to look away for a minute to hide my amusement. Theo was the king of overshare on everyone else’s behalf. Stefano’s voice was amused. “So why would you ask about Nonna?”

“’Cause of Kelly’s pictures of Nonna and Brett’s dad kissing.”

Our gazes clashed, and we both pushed off the table, heading outside. Theo trailed behind us, running to keep up. “Hey, Dad, wait!”

Stefano swung him up into his arms as we rushed toward the house. Charly, Gabby, and Kelly were on the porch, looking at Kelly’s laptop. Charly looked up, grinning.


I skidded to a stop in front of Kelly. “May I have your laptop for a moment?”

“No,” she replied, suspicious.


“It’s valuable.”

“I won’t break it.”

“He wants to see the kissing picture,” Theo said.

With a sigh, Kelly swiped the screen and handed it to me. Stefano and I peered at the images, slowly going through the photos. Kelly had taken a lot around town today. Little alleys, storefronts, people milling about. I stopped at the shot of the general store. The rockers. Rosa and my dad grinning at the camera. Him leaning over, pressing a kiss to her cheek, her laughing.

I relaxed. “It’s fine,” I muttered.

Then I swiped again. The next shot, my dad’s hat was off, covering their faces. His hand was on Rosa’s knee, her hand on his arm. I had a feeling what was going on behind the hat didn’t involve her cheek. Another swipe confirmed it. The hat was chin-level now, and they had their foreheads pressed together, smiling at each other.

“My mother’s hair is down. I haven’t seen it down since I was a kid,” Stefano said, shocked. “She always wore it down for my dad.”

“She looks lovely,” Kelly said. “They were adorable.”

“Yes, they are,” Gabby said. “Stay out of it, Stefano,” she warned.

I looked at Stefano; he looked at me.

“So, will you be brothers?” Theo asked again.

That did it.

I pulled up in the front of the store. Dad and Rosa were still in the rockers. A plate of cookies sat between them. They were holding hands.

Stefano cursed under his breath.

“Just stay calm,” I hissed. My words had no effect as Stefano climbed out of the truck, closing the door with more force than necessary.

“I think we need to talk,” he said, walking up the steps.

Dad stood, offering Rosa his hand to help her from the rocker. Inside, he asked Lyle to mind the store, and we went upstairs.

Stefano didn’t waste any time. “What’s going on with you two?”

“We’re friends,” Dad stated.

“Friends?” Stefano repeated. “From the pictures I just saw, I would say more than friends.”

“Friends wiz benefits,” Rosa said, crossing her arms.

Stefano made a funny choking noise, and I was pretty certain he just swallowed his tongue. I grabbed his arm.

“Rosa,” I said calmly. “Are you sure you know what that means?”

“Yes.” She stuck out her chin. “Mack and I go to supper. We hold hands. He kisses me. Tell me I’m beautiful. He make me happy.”

“And that’s all?” Stefano growled out.

She frowned and stood. “Why you no happy for me, Stefano? I let you live your life. You let me live mine. It’s nice to have friend. I like the benefits. I didn’t raise you to be so mean. You be happy.”

“Mama,” he said, all the anger going out of his voice. He took her arm and quietly explained what friends with benefits meant. Her eyes grew round, and she shook off his hand.

“No!” she said, horrified. “We no do that. You think I do? You think that of your mama?”

Stefano shook his head. “You said it.”

Dad stood. “Let’s all calm down. Yes, Rosa and I are friends. More than friends. We hold hands. And yes, I kiss her. But, boys,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sixty-six. Your mama is sixty-two. I can barely get out of the bed in the morning with my arthritis. Your mama needs help to get out of a chair at times. You really think we’re having some sort of passionate free-for-all sex thing on the side?” He chuckled. “Our benefits include sharing a meal. Talking about our deceased spouses, our kids. How the world has changed. We understand each other.”

He met our gazes. “We aren’t so lonely when we’re together.”

Stefano and I looked at each other.

“I think your mother is amazing. She likes me. We enjoy each other’s company. We hammed it up a little for the photos. Good God, the two of you are overreacting.”

Rosa sniffed. “You butt out. I like Mack. He make me happy.”

The look on Stefano’s face did it. I began to laugh. The whole thing was ridiculous. But the shock and horror of Rosa telling Stefano to butt out was priceless.

“Theo wondered if Stefano and I were going to be brothers,” I offered. “I was wondering if that meant I got to boss him around since I’m older and all.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024