Shifting Gears (Reynold's Restorations 3) - Page 76

“Anything I can help, ah, feed before we leave?” I asked, sliding my hand under the covers and wrapping it around him. He was thick and heavy in my hand. Steel encased in velvet. I swiped my thumb over the head, and he groaned, rolling on top of me.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

A while later, we headed down the stairs toward his truck. We were both smiling, our hands linked together.


We turned to see Chase jogging toward us. He wore a pair of coveralls with one of the garage hats on his head turned backward. He had a streak of grease on his cheek, and he was wiping his hands.

“Hey,” Brett greeted him. “What’s up?”

“I hear I missed all the excitement yesterday while I took Ward to be checked out at the hospital.”

“How is he?” I asked.

“Fine. Some bruises and a scare, but he’s good. Maxx is having the hoist fixed.” He grinned. “So I missed the ass-kicking, you being hauled off to jail, Charly and her light fingers. All of it. You okay?”

Brett smirked. “I’m fine. In fact, I’m great.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, tugging me close. “We’re great.”

Chase looked between us. “That is terrific. Everything, ah, settled?”


“So, what we talked about, Brett. It’s a go?”

“I hope so.”

I looked between them. “What is ‘a go’?”

Brett winked. “You’ll see.”

Chase grinned. “Seriously. I’m glad you’re both okay.” He looked over past my shoulder. “Are you sure everything is settled?”

I looked back, seeing the police cruiser pulling up. I relaxed when I saw who stepped from the driver’s side and turned back to Chase with a grin. This should be interesting. “Yep, everything is fine.”

I nudged Brett, and we turned to watch as Officer Gallagher walked toward us. I heard Chase’s fast intake of air, and I looked at him. He was watching her, a frown on his face as he tried to place her. I saw the recognition hit him, and he cursed under his breath.

“Hot damn.”

She stopped as she got close to us. “Morning.”

“Hey,” Brett and I said at the same time.

“I just wanted to drop in and check on you. See how you are.” Her gaze drifted to Chase, who was staring at her as if he’d seen a ghost.

“We’re fine, Officer Gallagher,” I assured her.

She smiled. “I told you, it’s Hannah. At least when I’m off duty. And this is a personal visit.”

Chase exhaled hard. “Han-nah.”

She focused her attention on him. “Mr. Donner. You are far more alert than the last time we met. I trust you’re not as tired.” She paused. “Or intoxicated.”

“It is you,” he said, awestruck. “I thought you were a dream.”

“I’m sorry?” she responded.

“I knew I’d spoken with a police officer, but I…” He trailed off. “Not you,” he muttered. “Officer Cinnamon.”

Brett and I watched the two of them with amusement. Chase was dumb struck, and she was sweet.

Brett cleared his throat. “Your car still in need of a tune-up, Hannah?”

She nodded, her eyes never leaving Chase’s face.

“I can do it,” Chase said, stepping forward. “I’ll tune you up. I mean—your car. I can tune up your car.”

“Awesome. I’ll make an appointment.”

“I can do that too.” He held out his hand. “Come with me, and I’ll arrange it. All of it.”

She looked at his hand, and he grimaced. “Sorry. I, ah, I just didn’t want you to trip on the uneven ground.” He wiped his hand on his coveralls. “I’m dirty.”

Her eyebrows flew up. “Pardon?”

“My hand. I mean my hand is dirty. I was working on an engine,” he rambled.

She smiled at him. “I don’t mind.” Then she stepped forward, sliding her hand into his. “Really.”

They walked away, neither of them acknowledging us aside from a quick wave from Hannah.

“Well, that is going to be interesting,” I said.

“Yep. Fun to watch. His turn now,” Brett replied with a chuckle. “Come on, woman. I’m dying of hunger.”

I let him tug me to the truck. I was pretty damn hungry myself. Two orgasms in a row did that to a girl.

Not that I was complaining.

Later at breakfast, Brett kept grinning at me, then looking nervous.

“What are you up to?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Just enjoying my freedom. Life on the outside is sweet.”

I burst out laughing.

He chuckled. “I love sitting across from you, Kelly. Having breakfast. Knowing I get to do that the rest of my life.”

“There will be times you can’t come with me.”

“I know. But I also know you’ll be back.”

I entwined our fingers. “Always.”

“Then I’m good. I’ll miss you like hell, but I look forward to celebrating your return.”

He finished his coffee. “Ready?”


He tugged me from the booth. “Then let’s go.”

We drove to his dad’s store and went inside. Mack was working on his crossword puzzle and looked up with a smirk.

“I heard you were sprung.”

Brett laughed and hugged his dad. “Charly’s already been here?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024