Camp Crim (Walker Hills 3) - Page 45

How did we never see that Aaron was bad news? He was always broody and quiet, but there was never a moment I thought he was dangerous. Not a single second. Now I’m finding out that he is and was a very, very bad man. How can someone like him get employed in the prison system, to guard people, when he’s just as bad as the rest of them?

But then again, it’s the perfect job isn’t it?

He gets to work with criminals, and what better way to run your business then to be right amongst it? People trust him, nobody is going to question him when he’s coming in and out. It’s the perfect way to live the best of both worlds. Outside of being a crooked cop, being a crooked prison guard would have to be the next best thing.

We walk until the sun begins to set, and we’ve gone so far out I have no idea where we are. I don’t know a damned thing except it’s getting cold and if we don’t come up with something soon we’re going to die out here. I’m not stupid enough to believe that he isn’t going to find the most remote location and murder us before going back and dealing with the rest of the problem.

Why else would he bring us here?

The problem is, what the hell are we going to do to get out of this?

I glance at Fallon. I need to think of something quickly, because as soon as it’s dark, we’re done for. I know he’ll do something to us and disappear into the night. We’ve been walking for hours; unless they’re looking, nobody is going to find us out here. I’ve been trying to take note of the direction we’ve gone in, just in case we have to turn around and go back, but it hasn’t been easy.

We could die out here, even without Aaron, because we’re alone in the woods with no food, no shelter, and nothing to protect us.

Think, Willa.

“I need to pee,” I say, stopping and turning to face Aaron.

The sun is setting on the horizon. We don’t have much time.

“Nice try. Move,” he growls.

“Seriously? Fine, then at least let me stand here and pee myself because I’m going to even if you don’t let me stop.”

I scrunch my face and close my eyes as if I’m concentrating.

“Fuck, you filthy bitch. Fine. Squat, right there.”

“I need to pee, too,” Fallon says.

“Hurry the fuck up.”

I glance at her, and then slowly lower my pants. She does the same. Aaron is standing in front of us, staring down, but when he sees that we’re actually peeing, he looks up. I take that chance to glance at the ground surrounding us. There are a lot of broken sticks and thick shrubby bushes, and, of course, rocks. There is one within reaching distance, but he’ll definitely notice me going for it.

I glance at Fallon, she can see the rock and she knows what I’m thinking.

She nods.

This is our only chance.

I go to stand and pretend to trip on my pants.

I fall down, cursing. Aaron growls and leans down, hauling me up. It’s in the split second that I fall I curl my hand around the rock. As he swings me up by my arm, I use my other arm and hit him. I hit him as hard as I can. I get him right in the forehead and his bellow and the cracking sound that echoes through the trees tells me I do a damned good job.

He releases me, and I scramble to my feet, pulling up my pants.

Fallon is way ahead of me.

While we were distracted, she too grabbed a rock and now she raises it and brings it down hard on Aaron’s head. He drops to the ground, unconscious, blood running from two wounds. I look to Fallon, panting, heart racing, and wonder what the hell we’re supposed to do now. First things first, we need to secure him. If he wakes up, it’s over.

“Is he dead?” Fallon asks.

“No,” I say, leaning down and taking Aaron’s gun, “but he could die if we don’t get help soon. I’m not having his death on my hands. We’ll do the best we can to patch him up.”

“First, we tie him.”

I nod and glance at the unconscious man on the ground. “We have to sit him up, by that tree there.”

There is a tree that’s slim enough we can sit him against it and secure his wrists. Getting him there won’t be easy, and it’ll take a joint effort that’s for certain.

“Grab an arm each, we’ll drag him over and sit him up. Then we’ll find a way to tie him.”

Fallon nods, her face pale.

“Hey,” I say, reaching for her and squeezing her arm. “We’ve got this. I promise you we’ve got this.”

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024