WALL MEN: A Vow Broken (The Wall Men 2) - Page 20

He steps in close and stares down with an intense, carnal look in his vivid green eyes.

Jesus. The room feels like it’s getting hotter. I’m not going to lie; if he keeps staring at me like that, I might not be able to say no. After everything I’ve been through, losing myself in the arms of a gorgeous man is just the sort of soul-soothing I need. Especially if I want to erase Benicio from my thoughts.

I swallow down a dry lump in my throat. “Thank you for the offer, Gabrio, but I have to say no. My head’s a mess, which is probably why I should get some sleep.”

“What if I merely lie with you?”

“You mean no sex?”

“Yes.” He nods. “If I cannot give you pleasure, perhaps I can give you comfort.”

It’s a very sweet gesture for a man who doesn’t believe in such things. I’m oddly touched. “I would like that. I’d like to sleep tonight knowing I’m protected.”

“Then that is what I will do for you.” He opens the door to leave.

“Gabrio? Why would you try to sleep with me again knowing Alwar would be angry?” Alwar basically said he would accept “my infidelity” once to save his people, but that was it. Of course, I countered that with a “Too bad. I’m agreeing to be your wife in name only.” The point is, I suspect Alwar would still be pissed as hell if Gabrio and I had sex again. Even worse if I enjoyed it.

“I am a dead man. I am no longer in the mood to deny myself the things I have long desired.”

My breath hitches. “Long desired?”

“You are a strong, beautiful woman. What man would not want you as a wife or lover? However, I will simply have to be satisfied with knowing you will be the mother of my child.”

I step back, hugging my towel tightly against my chest. “Excuse me?” I haven’t had a period in months. I’m too thin, too weak, too malnourished for that. Also, it’s been less than one hour since I had sex with Gabrio.

“You think I’m pregnant?” If this is some sort of Monsterland biology thing, where you get knocked up in a minute and the baby pops out in a week, I’m going to be pissed off. Really pissed off. Especially because he isn’t human. I think? Or did the bridge change him at the DNA level?

“No. I do not. But I will die hoping for it.”

Gabrio leaves, and I see Master standing there in the small hallway looking at me. I don’t know for sure, but I think he’s judging me.

“Stop it. I don’t know what you are but stop.”

A short while later, Gabrio and I eat in silence. He made some sort of frittata in a cast-iron skillet. It has spinach, bacon, and a little cheese on top. No seasoning. A little raw in the middle. I’m too hungry and too grateful that there is no mystery meat involved. Or Flier eggs.

After that, I blow up the inflatable bed, grab the pillows I bought, and take an old quilt from Bard’s closet. Before I fall asleep in Gabrio’s arms, I could swear I hear him growling about me wasting a good opportunity for pleasure.

I smile. I dream of Paris again. I sit at that small café table, smoking cigarettes, waiting for him to show up. Like the time before, I expect Bard, I wish for Benicio, but it is Alwar who comes. Only this time, Alwar is angry. He’s in a rage, screaming at me, accusing me of being in love with his brother.

“You mean Gabrio? I slept with him because you begged me to,” I argue.

“I can forgive you for fucking my brother. I requested it. But you love the eldest. This, I cannot stand for.”

My eyes open, and I’m panting and sweating. The minimalist surroundings of Bard’s cottage help me center myself immediately. I’m all alone on the inflatable mattress, though Master is on the floor by my feet.

I sit up and find Gabrio rustling around in the messy kitchen. “Are you Bard’s brother?”

Gabrio stares and then nods.

“Are you Alwar’s brother, too?”

He nods.

“And Tiago?” I ask.


“So you’re all brothers? Bard, Alwar, and Tiago—you’re all family.”


It makes so much sense. Every time I look at these men, they remind me of Bard. No wonder I’m so fucked in the head. “Any other brothers I should know about?”

“Ten younger half-brothers. My father had two wives during his long life. He also had powerful seed. All sons.”

Let’s just hope that doesn’t run in the family.


I avoid Gabrio and Master the rest of the day, though I do move Dave’s car from in front of the house to behind the barn. I’ll drive it off the cliff tomorrow when I have more energy because I’ll have to hike back on foot, and it’s at least five miles.

Tags: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff The Wall Men Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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