A Secret Kiss (Falling for Sakura 1) - Page 66

Conrad threw the ball at her. Sakura caught it. Sebastian materialized before her as if out of nowhere. She knew he was going to take the ball from her. Not this time, though. She twisted and jumped. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist and got his legs twisted against her. The ball fell from her hands. Sebastian tightened his arms around her, and they both fell down, rolling together across the court.

They came to stop on the other side, Sebastian on top of her.

Sakura could feel his manly strength above her. She could feel his naked skin, warm and sweaty, against her palms. She fluttered her eyes open to see his face close to hers, his eyes watching her intently.

“Are you all right?” Nicolas asked from above, his voice loud with concern.

“Get off her, Sebastian,” Conrad said, pulling Sebastian back.

Sebastian sat back and watched her. Sakura tried to sit up, but pain shot through her ankle. She gasped.

“You sprained your ankle?” Tristan asked.

Darcy rushed over and came to support her from behind. “You okay?” he asked with concern.

“I’m all right,” she replied brokenly, giving him a reassuring smile.

“Bloody hell!” Sebastian grunted, and without further ado, he scooped her in his arms. Before anyone could say anything, he carried her back to the house.

“Game over, then?” Logan said to no one.

“Game over,” Tristan said. “We lost.”

“Shit!” Logan swore.

Darcy watched Sebastian go, his eyes dark.

On the other side of the court, Tara gritted her teeth and wanted to scream. “Bitch!” she hissed under her breath.

Sebastian came into the drawing room and put her down on the seat near the empty hearth.

Sakura sighed. “I’m fine. No need to fuss.”

Sebastian ignored her.

“I’ll find an icepack.” Hayden volunteered.

Conrad came to sit beside her and put his arms around her shoulders.

Sakura chuckled. She thought he looked rather cute so worried about her. “I’m fine,” she said. “It’s not serious.”

A moment later, Hayden returned with the icepack. He handed it to her, but Sebastian took it instead. He gently placed it about her ankle, his hand brushing against her skin. Sakura bit her lower lip after gasping out, not from pain, but from the uncontrollable sensation that rushed through her every nerve.

Conrad noticed her hiding her gasp. “Is it painful?” he asked.

“Be gentle with her, Sebastian,” Tristan said. “Look, how about I do it.”

Sebastian shoved him off by saying, “I’m not hurting her.”

“I’ll be all right, seriously,” Sakura said, looking up. Suddenly she had the urge to laugh. Oh my gosh! Eight shirtless men were surrounding her. This was of course ridiculous. She shook her head and leaned back against the sofa.

Toby chose that moment to jog into the room. He barked a greeting. Conrad picked him up and laid him on Sakura’s lap.

“Hey,” she said. “Did you miss me?”

Toby barked again and rubbed his head against her chest, his tongue licking her collarbone. She giggled. “Stop that. It tickles,” she said.

Sebastian increased the pressure on her ankle. She gritted her teeth at the pain.

“It should go away by tomorrow,” he said.

James and Brenda came in at that moment.

“Good Lord, what’s going on here?” Brenda asked, taking in her sons—all shirtless. Then she spotted Sakura on the sofa, with an icepack at her ankle.

Conrad explained. “Sebastian knocked her over.”

James hid a smile.

“Why are you being so aggressive, Sebastian?” Brenda asked. “It’s unlike you.”

“His girlfriend dumped him.” Tristan volunteered.

Sebastian gritted his teeth. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Well, you sure did act like you just got dumped.” Logan teased.

Brenda came to the other side of Sakura and did a good fuss. “I do hope it’ll heal by Saturday. We can’t have you limping on Mary’s wedding day.”

“I’ll be fine, Mom,” Sakura said.

The brothers all looked at her, silent, as if the president had just announced to them that World War III had just begun. None of them liked the sound of Sakura calling their mother Mom.

Brenda noticed the dead silence and cleared her throat uncomfort


James said to the room at large, “Shouldn’t you boys go and shower? Dinner is in half an hour.

Nicolas nodded and headed out the door. He was followed by a string of his brothers, Hayden, Tristan, and Logan.

Darcy hesitated. Sakura caught his eyes and gave him another reassuring smile. He smiled back and then left the room as well.

Richard said, “It was my fault. I persuaded Sakura to play. Now look at what happened.”

“It’s all right, Richard,” Sakura said. “Go.”

Richard obeyed and left the room.

“You be careful with your leg, okay?” Conrad said. When she nodded, he got up and left the room as well.

Sebastian moved her so her legs rested along the length of the sofa. Then he arranged the icepack on her properly.

“Thanks,” she said, avoiding looking at him directly.

Sebastian didn’t reply. He stood up and left the room.

Tags: Alexia Praks Falling for Sakura Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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