A Secret Kiss (Falling for Sakura 1) - Page 7

Chapter 4

The Princeton Brothers

She stared at them, one by one. First, there was Sebastian with the typical Princeton looks that dated back for generations and had caused many hearts to flutter recklessly and perhaps even swoon with longing. He was also way too tall, broad at the shoulders, and handsome for her liking. Not to mention the fact that he was wearing one of those studs in his left ear, the stone the same color as his eyes. It made him look like a rogue and way out of any girl’s league.

Then there was Nicolas, so much like his father, James, who looked as though he could take on the world and would still come out on top with his leader-like demeanor.

Next was Tristan with his ridiculously handsome smile, the Prince of Flirt in the family. Sakura wondered how many females he had bedded already and how many hearts he had broken along the way.

The same went for Logan with his very charming smile and devil-may-care manner. Sakura wouldn’t be surprised if he had bedded at least a dozen women within the past few months.

Hayden, the handsome Prince of Rebel, with features inherited from their mother’s side of the family, had that rogue look about him that any good girl found extremely hard to resist. This was enhanced by the fact that he had one golden earring in his left ear. He looked like a bloody pirate—a very handsome one—and Sakura was sure any girl wouldn’t mind being captured by him and imprisoned in his bed.

Then there was the handsome, mysterious Darcy. Again, her heart decided to do an unwelcome somersault, which caused her to grit her teeth in annoyance.

Darce! My Darce! The sound kept echoing within her head. Sakura suppressed the urge to scream out just so the little voice would stop bothering her.

Yes, the Prince of Darkness was staring at her now without recognition, as if he found her interesting. Sakura herself couldn’t help staring back at him. God, his hair was long and black. And those unique eyes of his that had always fascinated her, those eyes he inherited from his legendary great-great-grandmother, St. Helena Princeton, who’d married the famous Luke Princeton. Darcy had that aloofness and darkness about him that any intelligent girl knew to avoid but couldn’t resist and ended up falling crazily in love with him anyway.

Then there was nice, sincere Conrad. He had a cute, boyish, friendly smile any female, young or old, couldn’t help falling for.

Then it hit her. Oh Gosh! They’d changed so much—grown so much—that the mere sight of all of them together took her breath away. Not to mention her neck was beginning to hurt because she had to tilt her head back to glare at them, conveying she was pissed with them. But none of them seemed to register that fact, however, and Sakura began to grow more annoyed. Then there was the way in which they looked at her, which caused her to shiver. There was this bizarre sensation rushing through her.

“Toby,” she called.

The dog barked back at her.

“So that’s his name? Toby?” Nicolas asked.

Toby barked again, which annoyed Sakura even more. When they got home, she thought she’d teach him a lesson that succumbing to the enemy was not something one should ever do to one’s allies.

“Come on,” she said, frowning at the dog for being disobedient all of a sudden. “It’s time to go home.”

Toby ignored her as Sebastian started scratching his head. Toby’s eyes glazed over as he stuck his tongue out in pleasure.

“Ah. You like that, don’t you?” Sebastian chuckled.

Tristan came forward and offered to help her. “Are you sure you can get home? We can give you a ride.”

Sakura turned to him. The thought of sitting next to them in a car didn’t sit well with her.

“I’ll be fine, thank you,” she said, reaching out for Toby. She took the dog from Sebastian, turned on her heel, and began to walk away from them.

“There she goes,” Conrad said, disappointment echoing in his voice.

Darcy watched her go, his eyes intent on her slender form. There was something about her that he couldn’t quite place.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. “I suppose since I’m the one responsible…,” he said, and without further ado, he was behind her and pulled her around gently by the arm.

Sakura gasped, and before she could protest, she was being lifted up midair and into the arms of her adopted brother once again.

“What are you doing?” she shrieked.

“Taking you home,” he replied calmly, heading back to the car. “I can at least do that much after I nearly killed you.”

“I… I can walk home by myself!” she stammered. “I’m not hurt, as you can see. And you didn’t kill me. I’m still breathing.”

Sebastian refused to respond to her logical argument and headed straight to the car.

“Why does he have to be the one to carry her?” Conrad asked no one in particular.

“Because he’s responsible,” Nicolas replied.

“I’m responsible,” Tristan put in matter-of-factly. “I made him lose his cool back there so, yes, I’m responsible.”

“Just shut up and get in the car,” Sebastian said to Tristan.

Sakura watched the brothers, who were still staring at her. She couldn’t believe it! She just couldn’t believe it! None of them remembered who she was. Not one of them. And here she was this close to them. She couldn’t decide if she was disappointed or pleased with that realization.

Actually, she had decided. She’d run away as soon as Sebastian put her down.

When he did put her in the back seat, however, Conrad quickly slid in beside her, followed by Logan. Hence both of her exits were blocked, and she wanted to scream.

Nicolas got into the front seat followed by Sebastian in the driver’s seat.

Outside, Tristan chuckled merrily and slapped Darcy on the shoulder. “Looks like you’re riding with us, bro.”

Darcy narrowed his eyes dangerously at Logan, who had stolen his seat in the car. Logan, however, didn’t see the death ray his younger brother gave him because he was too busy trying to please their new acquaintance.

“So,” Nicolas began charmingly once Sebastian started the engine, “where do you live?”

Sakura panicked. Oh God! What should she tell them? She couldn’t possibly tell them she was living at Princeton Mansion where they were heading, could she? Well, she could, but she refused to let them know she was Sakura, their adopted sister that they had entirely forgotten ever existed.

Suddenly, she realized all four of them were watching her, waiting for her answer. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Just drive straight,” she began. “It’s a long, narrow road. Then when you get to the intersection, turn right and then left and then left again.”

Tags: Alexia Praks Falling for Sakura Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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