Chained to You (Dark Billionaires 5) - Page 3

Sophie smiled pleasantly and said, "Yes, sweetheart. Now come along. We don't want to be late, do we?"

Aria nodded and obediently got down from the bed.

As she was walking toward the door, Sophie said, "And remember what I told you before? You shouldn't be sleeping with, err... Mia. She doesn't like that, you know. Besides, you don't know her very well, and..."

Aria appeared concerned about Sophie's advice, and I immediately felt the need to ease her apprehension about our sleeping arrangement.

I said, "You can come and sleep with me in my bed anytime you want, Aria." I smiled at the little girl in encouragement. "After all, we have fun doing our slumber parties, right?"

Aria smiled brightly at my inciting words and nodded. "Yes. I like sleeping with Mia. It's all right, isn't it, Daddy?" She turned to her father for approval.

James came forward and picked up his daughter in his arms. "Of course, sweetheart," he said. In which case, Aria did a big yay and kissed her dad on the cheek.

I felt relief that James was on my side, supporting me and not the beautiful Sophie. I had no idea why I felt this sleeping arrangement was important, but I really did.

When James was putting his daughter back down onto the floor, I didn't miss him giving Sophie a sharp stare, as if in warning.

Sophie seemed intimidated by James and bowed her head in submission. She hastily grabbed for Aria's hand and said, "Let's go get ready."

Aria nodded and then was led out the door. Both Alfie and Sammy chose that moment to jump down from the bed and follow Aria. I watched them go until they turned the corner and disappeared from my sight.

Now alone in bed and with James still standing there at the doorway, watching me, I suddenly felt more than a little flustered. Gosh, this involuntary abstinence between us really played havoc with my nerves. I had been so used to having him close to me when we'd been in Vegas, what with him making love to me and kissing me almost every time we were together. Now that we were in LA with so many people residing under the same roof and especially having Aria around, however, that had changed. The fact that we'd never had sex or had a proper kiss since we'd returned had transformed me back into an innocent, shy girl around him, just like the first time I'd met him not that long ago.

I hugged the duvet against my chest as I watched him walk toward me. I marveled at the easy grace of his stroll, at the slight swing of his hips and the movement of his powerful shoulders. He was an amazing specimen, the type that made women drool the instant they saw him.

I was mesmerized by him as he came and stood at the side of the bed. My body suddenly trembled in longing for his touches as I gazed up at him, almost pleadingly.

"It's been a while since we were alone," he said softly.

I couldn't have agreed more. The majority of the time during these past few weeks, he'd be working either in his home office here in the mansion or at his main office at the hotel in Beverly Hills. I hadn't seen much of him, except maybe a peek or two in the morning during breakfast.

"That's because you're busy," I retorted, blaming him for our lack of an intimate relationship.

He seemed amused by my accusation and said, "So it is." He leaned closer so his face was merely an inch from mine.

My heart raced as we were nose to nose and lips to lips. I could feel his warm breath on my skin as I offered my face to him for a kiss. Even just a little peck would have satisfied me.

He granted my wish and gently planted his lips against mine. His kiss was soft and slow, and I felt myself swooning with love. When he urged my lips to part for him, I eagerly obliged.

God, he felt so good. I wanted more... more of James Maxwell... more of his touches and more of his kisses. I felt as if I were in heaven.

Then James slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I groaned in ecstasy.

Oh, yes! This was what I had been missing all week. This deliciousness. His sweet, hot kiss. His heat against me. His hard, muscular body embracing me.

My mind went numb, and my body melted into his. Then he was about to go all out and kiss me passionately as he had before--that deep, wild kiss that usually drove me to the brink of insanity.

But Aria's voice came singing our way. "Daddy! Daddy! You have to come and help pick my dress. Please! Daddy!"

I froze in fright as if I'd just been caught red-handed. Then before the little girl could see us in such an adult and uncalled-for position, I hastily pulled myself away from James, abruptly terminating our kiss. Before the door burst wide open, I even managed to shift as far away from James as possible, sitting haphazardly on the edge of the bed on the other side.

James frowned darkly at the interruption--I believe toward the fact that I had abruptly pulled away from him. Well, it couldn't be helped, could it? I didn't want Aria to see her dad kissing me like that. I didn't want to ruin her innocence. After all, Aria merely assumed I was staying with them in the guise I was her friend and certainly not the fact that I was James's mistress, which was a subject not suitable for her young age. Furthermore, she wouldn't understand how that unconventional relationship worked anyway.

Aria came rushing over to James and started pulling at his hand to get his attention. "Come on, Daddy," she begged. "Help me pick a dress to wear."

James softened his expression and nodded. "Of course, sweetheart." Then he allowed Aria to lead him out the door.

I watched father and daughter walking away, my heart still racing. It was then James turned his head and gave me that sensual, possessive look I had seen many times before. He wanted me, and come hell or high water, he was going to have me.

The dark glint in his eyes and the sinister smile on his lips made my tummy quiver with anticipation. The expression told me he'd ravish me soon, that he'd make me cry and beg until my secret place was filled with his manhood, until he was sated and I was exhausted.

My whole body trembled in eagerness at the prospect. I sat there, feeling my body awaken as if from a long, deep slumber as I stared into space. The thought that soon James would kiss me ardently all over and drive me insane with his lovemaking made my head spin.

Breathe, Mia, breathe, I told myself.

Once I did manage to calm down, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom next door. There, I stared at myself in the mirror and noted my face was flushed red and my eyes were bright. I looked like a young woman who couldn't wait to be ravished by her hot boyfriend, couldn't wait to be ruthlessly and mindlessly fucked.

I took a few more deep breaths and then turned my attention to cleaning up for the day.

Twenty minutes later, I was done and staring at myself in the mirror. With my long hair still wet and my face made up neutrally, I thought I looked quite fetching. Today, instead of wearing one of the many expensive dresses James had bought for me, I opted for a pair of jeans and a checkered shirt. I thought I looked casual and rather chic, which I liked. Furthermore, our destination was Disneyland, and there'd be rides. I mean crazy, high-speed rides, and I was sure a dress wouldn't be suitable for such a thing. Unless one chose not to enjoy oneself at all.

After cleaning the bathroom and then making my bed, I headed out the door, humming to myself. I was in a better mood this morning than most since I had been staying here under James's roof. It was probably because for the first time in days, James had kissed me and given me the silent promise of his intended seduction.

Chapter 3


James watched his daughter with amusement as she happily skipped along the corridor, humming to herself. He glanced over his shoulder toward Mia's bedroom and glimpsed his mistress getting out of bed.

The sight of her slender body in sleeping shorts and a tank top burned in his mind, reminding him just how much he missed embracing her, kissing her, and making love to her.

Fuck! But that kiss just now was fucking sweet. He thought he'd lose his mind if they were to continue. If Aria hadn't turned up and interrupted them, he was sure he'd probably throw Mia on her back

and fuck her then and there. It would have been one of the few good things that happened to him during these past few days.

First there was his work at the Maxwell Group, which was driving him more than a little insane at the moment, simply because he'd been away for a bit too long. But he could very easily handle that. Hard work was nothing to him since dealing with business was in his blood. The thing that had been giving him a lot of headaches lately had been his family.

Tags: Alexia Praks Dark Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024