Wicked Boss (Bratva Brothers 2) - Page 9

She expels a heavy breath and blows the hair out of her face with her breath. The elevator dings, and the double doors open.

A reprieve.

Hannah bolts out of the elevator and is two steps ahead of me. I'm taller, so she's practically racing to her door to leave me in the dust.

"I'm sorry," I say. Although honestly, I don't quite know what I'm apologizing for.

She approaches 3B, her apartment door. It's bright red, just like the outside of the building. All the doors are painted a brick red. I don't remember the color, but I also had her pinned between me and the door. I remember most of that night involving her naked, writhing beneath me.

"Forget it," she mutters under her breath. "It's all in the past." She digs into her pocket for her keys and shoves them into the door but doesn't turn the lock.

"Listen, I truly am sorry if I said or did something back then to offend you. I'd like to make it up to you. The two of us could go out sometime, grab a drink."

The front door swings open, and a gentleman with sandy brown hair and glasses breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh good, you're home. Bay is running a fever, and I don't know what to do."

He doesn't even seem to notice me. It's probably for the best. I didn't show up at her front door to bring drama into her life.

Hannah exhales a breath. "Thanks for the ride," she says, glancing up at me.

"Oh, did you take a rideshare home? Do I need to pay him?" He reaches into his back pocket for his wallet.

"I'm just one of Madisyn's friends," I say and gesture to the elevator. "I should get back to the vehicle. She's waiting inside, and we're parked out front."

"Thanks for giving her a lift."

I didn't do it for him. I didn't even know there was a him.

Who is he?

Her boyfriend? Her husband?

And who the hell is Bay?

Does Hannah have a kid?

Tags: Willow Fox Bratva Brothers Crime
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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