The Collection (Contemporary Reverse Harem 5) - Page 59

Chapter 31


Fantine’s words kept me up all night in my little bed in Marina’s guest room. I was beyond exhausted, and yet my brain had no intention of slowing down. But the torture of insomnia had clarified my thoughts. I knew what I wanted. I knew what I needed. And I had something to get off my chest. So I called a meeting.

I started with Cross. He was usually the easiest to reach, probably having something to do with being a dad.

“Cross?” My heart was pounding.

“Hey. Is that you, Kealy?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. “Yeah, it is. How are ya?”

“I should be asking you how you are,” he said.

“I know. I wanted to talk to you and the other guys. Do you think you could pull everyone together?” I asked, picking a spot of lint off my skirt.

“Sure. When?” Joey jabbered in the background. I pictured his fat arms and legs and how he laughed when I kissed them.

“Well, do you think we could do tonight?”

“I don’t know. Let me text everyone to see if they’re free.”

“I really appreciate it. Thanks, Cross.”

* * *

Not fifteen minutes later I got a text from Cross that our gathering was on. Now all I had to do was screw up about as much courage as I’d ever been able to. More than when I walked through the doors for the first time at Marina’s grand home. More than my first day in college. And more than I’d needed each time I entered a new foster home.

But I could do it, because I’d done it before.

When I arrived at Cross’s place, the guys were already there. They greeted me one-by-one, with hugs and kisses that were warm but not overtly sexual. They were giving me space.

Another thing I loved about them.

As soon as I sat down, Rand stood.

“Kealy, thanks for bringing us together. We guys talked and have a few things to say, which we hope you’ll listen to.”

“Well…I was kind of hoping I could say a few things, get them off my chest…” I stammered. Wasn’t I the one who’d called the meeting?

He continued in spite of my protest. “Kealy, we don’t want you to feel you have to choose one of us. We all want to be with you. We want to share, as you know,” he said.

“But—” I started.

Marlon popped to his feet. “Rand is right, baby. You don’t need to pressure yourself to choose. That’s just not necessary. We all want to be with you.”

“Well, I—” I said, to no avail. Seemed it was Shane’s turn.

“Love,” he said, gesturing widely, “don’t be hasty. Don’t make any decisions you’ll regret.”

They all looked at each other, heads nodding. They were all on the same page. Now I had to get them on mine.

“Okay,” I said.

Brows furrowed and confusion crossed the faces I looked at.

“Yes,” I said.

Rand shook his head. “Kealy, I’m not sure you’re listening—”

“But I am listening. You are the ones who aren’t.”

They finally shut up and just stared at me.

“I’m saying yes. I want to be with all of you. I will be with all of you.”

Smiles broke across all their faces. Marlon and Shane high-fived each other as Cross ran to me. With his arms around my waist, he lifted me and twirled me around the room.

“Okay, okay, you can put me down now,” I said.

“No, I don’t think I can,” he said.

* * *

Tags: Mika Lane Contemporary Reverse Harem Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025