Almost Married - Page 50

Steph sighed, tilting her head to give him better access. “I don’t want him mad,” she whispered. “I just want him to sign the papers. Don’t antagonize him.”

Dave pulled back. “He antagonized me.”

“I don’t care who started it…” She stopped herself. “This is ridiculous. You have to stop. Just enjoy the concert, we’ll get the papers, and go.”

“The only way I’ll enjoy this concert is if you’re dancing naked in it,” Dave proclaimed.

“Shut. Up,” Griff barked.

Steph giggled. Then she kissed Dave again to keep him quiet.

~ ~ ~

Dave cuddled up with Steph on the jet and pondered the past two weeks. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he, Dave Olsen, middle school math teacher and upstanding citizen, had done the following: committed adultery (in a roundabout way), flaunted his claim in front of the husband, then got on the husband’s jet to watch his concert. Once he’d met Griffin, he knew he had to come between Steph and her husband. That cheating jerk wasn't worth one picosecond of Steph's time.

Not only that, he’d spent the night in jail, and Steph, for some reason, had been hot for him when he got out. He kissed the top of Steph’s head and glanced at her leather-clad husband, who appeared to be sleeping in his fully reclined seat. How could Dave deny Steph what they both wanted out of consideration for that asshole?

They went straight from the jet to a limo that took them to the stadium where Twisted Star was playing. Their luggage was delivered to the hotel for them. He and Steph were shown to private box seats while Griffin went backstage to warm up. The rest of the band was already there. They had some time before the show, so he and Steph toured the stadium and had dinner brought up to the private box, which was reserved just for them. The front of the box was all window. He couldn’t tell if there were other private boxes, they only had a view of the stage.

When the opening band started, they settled on a long leather sofa together. Not Dave’s kind of music, he preferred a mellower sound, but he was happy just to be sitting next to Steph, instead of sitting home wondering what she was doing with Griffin. After the opener finished, the stage went dark while the crew set up for Twisted Star.

Dave linked his fingers with Steph, who was sipping a mojito. She climbed into his lap. “Drink?” she asked.

“No, thanks. I want to have my wits about me when Griffin tries to weasel out of signing the papers again.”

She tapped his nose. “You worry too much. He wouldn’t fly us all the way out here for nothing.”

“I don’t think he intended to fly us out here. He wanted you.”

She kissed him. He pulled away only long enough to set her drink on a nearby table. He wanted her thinking only of him when Griffin went on stage. He knew some of Griffin’s songs meant something to Steph. Some of them made her feel deeply, and he wanted her to remember she was his. He kissed her passionately, gripping her hair to hold her in place while he claimed her mouth. After he’d gotten her to the point where she was making those little needy noises in the back of her throat, always a good sign, he set her off his lap, stood, and locked the door.

“Dave, what are you doing?”

She didn’t sound particularly worried, only curious, so he said nothing. He crossed to her, buried his hand in her hair, and waited, his mouth hovering over hers. Her lips parted.

“Mine,” he growled just before he kissed her. Things got hot and heavy fast. He pulled her onto his lap again, straddling him. He left her shirt on, but quickly undid her bra so he could caress her breasts. He kissed her as long as he could while she rocked her hips mindlessly against him, until he couldn’t wait anymore. He pulled her to stand and moved her to the side of the box, away from the window, kissing her more as he undid the button and zipper on her jeans.

“Dave, people can see,” she protested weakly.

“Shhh.” He coaxed her with deep kisses, and his hand down her panties. She was hot and wet. His erection pushed painfully against his jeans. It was dark in the stadium, and he didn’t think anyone could see them where they stood. At least not from the waist down.

Tags: Kylie Gilmore Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024