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Almost Married

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He quickly stripped off her jeans and panties, undid his jeans just enough to free himself, and sat down on a low ottoman. He pulled her and settled her on top of his lap. She let out a shaky moan as she took him in. He hissed out a breath. She was so tight. Then she started to move. It felt so good he was afraid he wasn’t going to last. He wanted to last. He wanted her riding him when Griffin went on stage. All of her attention on him. He gripped her hips and slowed her down, and every time she sped up, he put a hand on her waist, tipped her back, and used his other hand to distract her with slow circles around pleasure central. She whimpered, she begged, but he didn’t let up, and he didn’t let her speed up. It was a delicious torture for both of them and very, very necessary.

The first notes rang out as Twisted Star took the stage with an approving round of applause from the audience. He stilled Steph and suckled her breast, drawing it deep into his mouth. He knew she loved that. He could probably make her come that way if he did it long enough. She moaned and moved restlessly. He clamped his hands on her hips.

“Why won’t you let me move?” she protested. “I want to move.”

He didn’t answer, merely teased her nipple with his teeth, doing his best to distract her with his mouth.

“Please, I want to move,” she begged.

He ignored that. He caressed both of her breasts, pinching and tugging on her nipples, making her demands to move grow increasingly weak, until he finally silenced her with a hard kiss. He thrust his tongue in and out so she could do nothing but moan. He was very good at distracting her. And teaching her. He moved to nibble along her earlobe as he grabbed her ass, palming it with both hands.

“Mine,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yours,” she said on a sigh.

Pleased, he loosened his grip on her ass, and she moved on her own, too fast for him to keep things going. He stilled her again, hands on her hips, grinding her down hard onto him.

“Dave,” she moaned. “Please.”

It was hot, he had to admit, to have Steph begging him, but he had to wait. He rocked his pelvis, appeasing her with shorter strokes and some hip swivels. The opening number was building, and the crowd was roaring, and he wanted her focused only on them. By the time the band moved to the third song, they were both slick with sweat, their bodies straining for more.

He tilted his pelvis up, thrusting deeper inside, and released his hold on her. She immediately began riding him hard and fast. The buildup over all that time felt incredible as they rushed toward what their bodies ached for. He gripped her ass, felt himself about to lose it. Then she was crying out his name, milking him with her release, and he let go with a hoarse groan, shuddering against her. She collapsed against him.

They held each other for a few moments, catching their breath. She raised her head and looked at him like he was some kind of sex god. Or just an amazing guy. It was a flattering, well-loved look, whatever it was.

He flashed a smile. “Nice concert.”

“What concert?” she replied.

He wrapped his arms around her. “Exactly.”

Chapter Ten

Steph felt a little giddy as she held Dave’s hand on their way backstage. They were headed through a private hallway with a security guard. She couldn’t believe they did it in the private box. Sure they’d been alone, but there was a window. Probably Dave wanted Griff to see, but she knew Griff wouldn’t have been able to see that far from the stage. It was twisted, she knew, but she liked this new possessive side of Dave. It was so sexy the way he claimed her. She’d hoped that his hot kisses when they first started dating were proof that things would be hot between them. She was thrilled to be proven right.

She turned to Dave and smiled. He squeezed her hand. Just as they reached the door leading backstage, the security guard, a beefy man that could’ve been a linebacker, raised a hand. “Only her. You wait here.”

“What? No.” Steph stood her ground. “Tell Griff it’s both of us. I’m not leaving Dave behind.”

“That’s the deal,” the security guard said. “Just you.”

Steph looked from the security guard to Dave.

“I told you he only wanted you,” Dave said.

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