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Almost Married

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She stood there, unsure what to do. She didn’t want to leave Dave behind. On the other hand, the entire purpose of this trip was to get those signed divorce papers. She wasn’t leaving here without them. She made a snap decision. The divorce was the most important thing. She’d get the papers and meet Dave at the hotel.

“I’ll call you when I’m done,” she said.

Dave looked like she’d slapped him. “You’re really going backstage alone with him?”

“What choice do I have? I want that divorce. I’ll meet you back at the hotel, okay?”

“Don’t you see?” Dave asked, his face flushed red with anger. “He’s playing with us. He’s forcing me out. He still wants you.”

She gave him a quick kiss. “It doesn’t matter what he wants. It’ll be fine. I’ll call you.”

The security guard held open the door, and she went through.

“Don’t go,” Dave called after her.

She turned. “I’ll call you.”

The door slammed shut as Dave stood there scowling at her. She’d make it up to him later. She followed the guard down a long hallway to a dressing room. She walked in to find Griff standing there, shirtless, a towel draped over his neck. His hair was soaked with sweat. The lights on stage were hot, plus he got a workout dancing, running, and putting his all into the concert.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said.

“Where’s Paulie D?” she asked, looking around. “Where’s Henry and Jake?” They were his bandmates.

“I got a private dressing room since you were coming.” He flopped down onto a sofa. “Paulie D will be here soon. Did you like the concert?”

She crossed her arms, irritated to be alone with him instead of signing the damn papers. “You did a nice job.”

“Nice,” he muttered. He grabbed a bottled water and chugged, watching her. “Why Dave?” he finally asked.

She let out a breath of frustration. “What does it matter?”

“I want to know. It’s hard to let you go, sweetheart.”

She rolled her eyes. He’d let her go five years ago. Was he feeling nostalgic? Lonely? In need of a wife? Wait a minute.

“Do you need a wife for some reason?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Fans like to think I’m single. Tabloids like to talk about my secret wife. Nothing’s up, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He rubbed his hair down with the towel. “It’s just once I saw you again in person I remembered what we had. It was good once.”

She grunted. This was not going how she’d hoped. “How long until Paulie D gets here?”

Griff shrugged. “He said after the concert. Soon, I guess. Let me grab a shower.” He indicated a private bathroom in the dressing room.

“Might as well,” Steph said.

After Griff went into the shower, he left the bathroom door open, the exhibitionist, and she could see him through the frosted glass. She averted her gaze and flopped down on the sofa to wait. She called Dave to tell him she’d be a little later, but it went straight to voicemail. Strange. She wondered if he’d turned it off on the jet and forgot to turn it on again.

A short while later, Griff appeared with a white towel wrapped around his waist. Rivulets of water ran down his muscular chest and abs. Steph focused on his face. He gave her a slow smile.

“So you never told me why you like Dave,” he said.

“Would you please get dressed!” Steph exclaimed.

He crossed to her, stopping a breath away, and she took in his fresh clean scent. She gave him a little shove, trying to preserve her personal space, and he grabbed both her wrists, then brought them down to her sides like they were almost holding hands. They were nearly the same height, and he was much too close, with way too little clothes.

“Why Dave?” he asked again.

She focused on a point over his shoulder. “He’s a nice guy. Decent, hardworking, sweet.”

And he’s everything you could never be. Dave was faithful, committed, a family man. The life Dave offered was one she’d always wanted.

“I’m sweet,” he countered.

She snorted. “Yeah.”

“Look at me,” he urged. Reluctantly, she met his eyes. “Isn’t there some part of you that still loves me?” he asked quietly.

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