Almost Married - Page 65

Steph and Amber cracked up.

Jaz grinned. “For real, you know what I’m saying?”

“I know,” Steph said.

“Have you heard from Dave?” Amber asked gently.

Steph took a long swallow of wine. “Dave won’t talk to me until Griff’s out of the picture.”

“He is out of the picture,” Jaz said. “He’s in L.A. You’re here.”

“I know,” Steph said miserably. “Dave’s mad that I want to wait a year for the divorce. Griff said if I did, he’d set up a trust for Joey for the rest of his life. You guys know how much that means to me.”

“He doesn’t want to share you,” Jaz said, pouring Steph more wine.

“Men are touchy that way,” Amber chimed in.

“Tell me about it,” Steph muttered.

“Why a year, though?” Jaz asked. “What’s so”—she wiggled her fingers in the air—“magical about a year for a divorce?”

“His lawyer wants him to have time to get his finances in order,” Steph said.

Jaz did her classic head roll. “His lawyer? Un-uh. No way.” She took Steph’s wine and ice cream away from her. “Stephanie Moore!” she hollered.

Steph jumped. Amber stared, mouth gaping.

“Repeat after me,” Jaz barked. “We do not let lawyers run our lives.”

“We do not let lawyers run our lives,” Steph said hesitantly.

“Stand up,” Jaz ordered, pulling Steph to her feet. “We do not let the press run our lives.”

Steph stood with a glance at Amber, who was smiling into her wineglass.

“We do not let the press run our lives,” Steph said, stronger now.

“We do not let men steal our happiness,” Jaz barked.

Amber giggled. Jaz shot Amber a quelling look.

Steph stood up straighter. “We do not let—”

“Louder, girl!” Jaz commanded.

“We do not let men steal our happiness!” Steph yelled.

Jaz high-fived her. “That’s what I’m talking about. You walk tall and proud. Fuck that lawyer, fuck the press, and fuck the men who fuck with your head.”

“Amen,” Amber said.

“Amen,” Steph said solemnly as Jaz handed her wineglass and ice cream back to her.

They sat on the sofa again. Jaz raised her glass, and the three of them clinked glasses in a toast.

“To strong women,” Jaz said.

“To strong women,” Steph and Amber echoed.

“Fucking A,” Jaz said.

They all drank to that.

“Now what’s your plan for reclaiming your happiness?” Jaz asked. “It’s yours for the taking.”

“My new Bliss SatisfyHer?” Steph asked.

Amber cracked up. Jaz grinned. “That’s a start. Don’t really use that thing, by the way. That was a gag gift.”

“Oh, yeah,” Steph said. “I mean, I knew that.”

Amber nodded vigorously. “Good one, Jaz.”

One corner of Jaz’s mouth lifted in a small smile. “Do you really want Dave back after he blew you off?”

Steph sighed. “I do. I still love him. I think if Griff wasn’t part of the deal, we probably would be engaged by now.”

“Seriously?” Amber asked.

Steph nodded. “He said he wanted me to have his babies.”

Jaz choked on her wine. “He actually said that?” She turned to Amber, incredulous. “What guy says that?”

Amber shrugged. “A guy who wants a future wife and mother to his children.”

Jaz blinked rapidly. “That is so damn sweet. Hell, yeah, we want Dave back.” She turned to Steph. “What’s your plan?”

Steph shrugged. “I don’t know. Nothing’s changed as far as Dave’s concerned. I’m still married. I’m still tied to Griff.”

“And?” Jaz prompted.

Steph took a deep breath. It was time to face confrontation head-on. She set her wine and ice cream on the table quite firmly. She stood and looked at her two friends, who she knew had her back.

“And I’m getting my own lawyer and ending this marriage,” Steph announced.

Jaz cheered. Amber gave her a high five.

Steph went on, feeling more confident now. “And I’m going to use the press to turn this story around. This was Griffin’s fault, and Dave and I shouldn’t have to suffer.”

Tags: Kylie Gilmore Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024