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Almost Married

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He cradled her face with both hands. “Will you have all my Little Genius trademark babies?”

She laughed. “I would love to have all your Little Genius trademark babies.”

He dropped his hands and whispered in her ear, “I’ve done research on a woman’s erogenous zones.”

A flash of heat went through her. “I can’t wait.”

Dave practically ripped off her clothes before tossing her on the bed. Good for his word, he worked through all her erogenous zones, telling her exactly what he planned on doing, waiting for her to say it was his, all his, before following through while she quivered from his thorough attention.

She didn't mind one bit when he woke her in the middle of the night. He couldn't see much in the dark without his glasses, so he said he'd have to go by touch and taste. He worked his way down her body, and just when she couldn't wait another second to have him inside her, he flipped her over and explored from the nape of her neck down to her toes. She had never felt so cherished, so well loved in her life.

At breakfast, he made her an omelet and fed her bits of it while he held her on his lap. She wore an oversize Columbia sweatshirt and nothing else, at his request. He’d bought an extra Columbia shirt for his place because he loved to see her in it. Apparently, brains were a real turn-on for him.

“I can’t wait to make you all mine,” he told her.

“I dare you.”

Dave didn’t need any more encouragement.

~ ~ ~

Griffin couldn’t believe the firestorm of press over Dave. The man was a phenomenon. They called him Mr. Genius because of those commercials he’d done as a kid. It had been a month, and Dave had already done a geek-chic modeling job and a few commercials for some new electronic learning system. While Dave was moving up, Griff was scaling down. His focus was back on the music, not the lifestyle. It was first, last, and forever about the music. That was something Christina had reminded him of. As crazy as she was, she kept it real.

A thought hit him. Christina. She had to have been the one to leak out the news about Dave being in those kiddie commercials. Sure, with some digging the press could’ve found out about Dave’s commercials, but the way the news spread so quickly after that Shrek picture, it had to have been her. Dave would’ve revealed that tidbit a lot earlier if he really wanted to snag the spotlight. Griff would’ve thought of Christina’s devious role in all this sooner, except he was too busy selling off his properties and getting ready to move to a brownstone in Brooklyn. Paulie D had thrown fits about it. Griff had fired him. In fact, he’d let all of his staff go, except his manager, Bill. He’d also filed a restraining order against Mandy. He’d had stalker fans before, some weird shit women gifted him with, but never someone that pulled a gun on him. He’d been shaking in his boots when that happened, but he’d kept his cool for Steph’s sake.

The music scene in Brooklyn was hopping. He couldn’t wait to be part of it. And he could easily visit Joey from there. He pulled out his cell and texted Christina. He had her number programmed in his phone as Crazy Christina. He didn’t know why he’d bothered to program it in. He’d never intended to call her. His text said simply: I know it was you.

She replied immediately: Took you long enough, Sherlock.

He smiled and texted back: I’m moving to Brooklyn. I hope I never see you.

She texted: Your ugly mug belongs in Cleveland.

He broke out into a wide grin and replied with a smiley face. She meant he belonged in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

She texted back. An emoticon? I expect more from a badass rocker. Fail.

He replied with a shocked face emoticon.

Then she reached out through the power of text, grabbed him by the collar, and sent a bit of poetry: I want to hear your soul music. No matter how long it takes to get your shit together. Hear me?

He sucked in a breath, touched by her faith in him. He replied: You’re a ballbuster.

I’m your fucking muse.

He immediately heard the beginnings of a rip-roaring guitar riff.

Tell me what pisses you off, he texted.

She went on and on. Her words became the lyrics to a new song, “Crazy Thing.” He’d found his muse. Crazy Christina opened up a very different vibe in him. It was euphoric.

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