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Almost Married

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“So how does it feel to be Mrs. Olsen?” Dave called from the bedroom. They were at his family's lake house for what promised to be a beautiful summer-long honeymoon. They’d be house shopping soon with the money from Dave’s modeling gig and commercials.

Steph pulled the red satin and lace robe over the matching slip she'd picked out for their wedding night. She was dressing in the bathroom to surprise him. “It feels great!”

She smiled as she pulled her hair up, leaving a few tendrils to hang down. After her divorce was final, she and Dave had immediately planned a church wedding and reception for the weekend after the school year ended. Someone had made a huge anonymous donation to their school district's music program. Steph had a feeling she knew exactly who it was. The same benefactor that had established a trust in her brother’s name. Griff had a new hit getting a lot of attention, inspired by, of all people, Dave’s sister. She’d hit it off with Christina right away, both women passionate about family.

She grabbed her surprise for Dave, hid it behind her back, and stepped out of the bathroom. “How does it feel to be a married man?”

He took her in, head to toe, and swallowed visibly. “I've never been happier in my life.”

“Good,” she practically purred. She sauntered over to him where he lay on the bed wearing only his black Dr. Who boxers that read Trust Me I'm the Doctor. She kissed him and, while his eyes were closed, slipped on her surprise for him. She pulled back. “How do you feel about a little role-playing?”

She wore a Princess Fiona wedding headband—ogre ears with a small tiara and veil.

“I thought you'd never ask,” Dave said fervently. “Be right back.”

She sat up and watched as he rummaged through his suitcase and came up with his ogre ears and handcuffs. He shoved the ears on his head. “First you need to be rescued,” he said, striding over and snapping the cuffs on her.

She wrapped her cuffed arms around his neck. “Yes, my adorable ogre.”

He pushed her gently back on the bed, shifting the pillow so it was under her head. Slow and gentle Dave was back. Though she could still bring out the animal in him with a well-timed dare. He was very competitive and could never turn down a challenge. She liked to let him win by a landslide, leaving them both panting and satisfied.

He met her eyes with a grin. “Then I have to transform you into the human princess by working every erogenous zone I've researched!”

“Oh, Dave.” She shivered, knowing how intent his focus and attention could be.

He leaned close, his lips just a breath away. “How do you feel about being Uhura tomorrow night?”


“From Star Trek?”

“I, uh, like it?”

He closed his eyes. “You haven't seen the original Star Trek, have you?”

“No.” She bucked her hips to remind him what was important. She could feel his erection pushing against her through the boxers.

“We'll stream it on the laptop,” he croaked.

“I dare you to make me scream.”

Dave got right to work. And he didn't stop until much, much later when she screamed his name like a freaking hallelujah.

What a stud.

~ ~ ~

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