Gray Witch (Black Hat Bureau 5) - Page 61

“Until you got Roy killed.” Finch chuckled, as if the death of my first TO amused him. Roy had sucked as a training officer, but he hadn’t deserved to die like that. “That’s when you got saddled with the golem.”

That golem was the best friend I had ever had, but facts were facts. “Still am, actually.”

“Guess the director likes you under his thumb.”

“Guess so.”

“What can you tell us about the victim?” Asa interrupted our awkward reminiscing, thank the goddess.

“He worked as a butcher in a grocery store in town. Human. He fell for the old I hit a dog ploy.”

Man drives home late. Warg runs in front of car. Man hits warg. Warg plays dead. Man gets eaten.

“Who found him?” I picked up where Asa left off. “And when?”

“A human teen on her way home from work found him in the road, called the cops. We’ve been monitoring their frequencies heavily since this what-the-fuckery started. The Bureau dispatched a unit to contain the situation, and then Parish gave us a heads-up you were on your way.”

“My team, you mean.”

Finch delighted in correcting me. “I mean you.”

Stinging prickles coasted down my spine, that sense of wrongness blossoming.

“You are the black magic specialist.” Asa brushed his thumb along my cheek. “This case is in your wheelhouse.”

“I wouldn’t touch her if I was you.” Finch chuckled. “Last guy who tried without her permission ended up missing his hand.” His beady eyes twinkled at me. “Hell of a thing.”

This was the ideal opening for Asa to bluster about how we were in fascination or claim we were already mates, which was a lie that got easier the more often we told it, but he remained quiet. I appreciated that he let me handle my own PR. I had been a myth within Black Hat, but I was very much flesh and blood now. I had an identity to either reinforce or discard, and he was letting me choose which way to go.

“Asa is my mate.” I averted my face from his. “He’s the only man who can touch me and keep his hands.”

That was almost true. Hair was the trigger for y’nai, but Finch didn’t need to know that.

“You have a mate?” Finch recoiled. “You?” His lip curled up on one side as he gave Asa a closer look. “You’re a damn fool for tying your life to hers. I hope the sex is worth it. She’s only going to break your heart.” He lifted a shoulder. “And then eat it.”

A crackle of flame teased the corner of my eye as the daemon burst from Asa’s skin with a ripping noise that did not bode well for his new suit.

“Rue mine.” He clamped his hand around Finch’s throat. “Rue love me.”

“Rue loves power,” he rasped, then his lips fell slack. “You’re that daemon prince.” He laughed, bitter and sharp. “No wonder she chose you.”

The daemon picked Finch off the ground and slung him across the road into the bushes. “Finch dumb.”

“You got that right.” I petted his hair to soothe him. “But I wasn’t a nice person back when he knew me.”

That version of me? He wasn’t wrong about her. Even a little.

“Still dumb,” he huffed. “Rue mine.” He gathered me into a spine-popping hug. “Rue love me.”

“I do love you. Both of you.” I laughed under my breath. “But you need to put me down.”

“I hold Rue.” He nuzzled me. “Rue second-best friend.”

“You’re killing my tough guy rep.” I caught up to what he was saying and gasped. “Traitor.”

“Colby play with me and feed me oranges.” He turned solemn. “Prevent scurvy.”

“Goddess bless,” I muttered. “She’s brainwashed you.”

Tags: Hailey Edwards Black Hat Bureau Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024