Cruel Obsession (The Obsession Duet 1) - Page 14

“All I know… is that…” He’s fighting now to get each word out. The pain makes it hard to talk, but I don’t give a shit.

“Talk!” I snarl like a dog ready to bite.

“He’s been… looking for her… for a while,” he groans. “For a long time.”

“How long?”

“Years. Ten, maybe more.”

“He has been looking for Dove for over ten years?” I have to confirm that I heard him correctly.



“I-I don’t know.” He shakes his head, and I believe him. Christian’s not a damn chatty man by any means, and whatever secrets he has, he keeps them close to his chest. Aiming the gun at Billy’s head, I fire one last bullet, hitting him right between the eyes.

Staring down at his lifeless body for a few seconds, I try to decide if it’s worth moving him. Deciding it’s not, all I do is grab his wallet from his jacket and walk back to my car. I’ll let the cops find him and figure something out on their own.

On the drive home, I roll down my window and throw his wallet into the river as I cross the bridge. My mind is a fucking mess as I try and connect all the dots.

Why the hell has Christian been looking for her, and why for so long? I thought Billy would be able to give me answers, but instead, he gave me more questions.

I might not have a lot of answers, but I do know one thing. I need to get Dove away from here. She’s not safe anymore. Not in her own home, not at work, and definitely not anywhere in this town.


You know that feeling that tells you not to do something? When your gut tightens, and your palms grow sweaty. When it feels like something bad is seconds away from taking place? That’s how I feel right now. Like I shouldn’t be coming home, like something terrible is going to happen. I force myself to take a calming breath and unlock the door.

It’s all in your head, Dove. I mean, seriously, this is my house. My home. I have no reason to be scared. Shoving the door open, I take a hesitant step inside. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and goosebumps break out across my flesh.

Slowly, I close the door behind me and reach for the light switch right beside the door. It doesn’t turn on, and I reach for it again, flipping the switch off and on. The light bulb must’ve gone out.

Feeling through the darkness, I find my way to the lamp on the side table. I flip it on, and a second later, the room is bathed in a soft glow. Flicking my gaze around the room, I realize something is terribly off. Max. He’s not here, and he always greets me at the door. Always…

“What the…” The words are cut off when a mammoth hand comes out of nowhere, cutting me off. A scream rips from my throat, but the sound is muffled beneath the hand that’s pressed firmly against my lips. Pulled back against a firm chest, a thick arm of muscle wraps around my middle, restraining me completely. All I feel is a hard body against my back as I’m practically carried away from the door.

Panic like I’ve never felt before rises up inside of me, and instantly I start to struggle, my fight or flight instincts kicking in. Those instincts do me no good when the man holding onto me is so much bigger and stronger than I am. Fighting is a waste of strength and effort, two things I’m already lacking. Tears prick my eyes and hot breath fans against my ear.

I wasn’t wrong. Someone was watching me, and now he’s got me. Now he’s going to hurt me. Rape me and kill me. He’s going to get what he wanted all along.

Kicking out my legs, the heel of my foot lands against my assailant’s shin, and a grunt fills my ears. The kick isn’t enough for him to release me though, so I continue fighting. I won’t be a helpless victim again. I won’t let him hurt me without a fight.

A million scenarios run through my head. Opening my mouth, I feel his flesh against my lips, and it hits me then what I need to do. What I should’ve done all along.

Biting into the meaty flesh of his palm, I sink my teeth deep like a dog and don’t let go, not until he forcefully pulls his hand away.

“Fuck,” he growls. The timbre of his voice is deep and frightening, and fear blankets my insides. I do my best to tamp that fear down, but it reminds me of a time when I was helpless and had no one. Putting everything I can into getting away, I let out a horrid scream, knowing this is probably my one and only chance of having someone hear me.

Tags: J.L. Beck, Cassandra Hallman The Obsession Duet Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025