Toasty (Cozy 2) - Page 7

“Is that—” my sister whispers, but I cut her off.

“Let’s do this.” I move to step down the stairs and force myself to look away from Kace.

I have no idea what he’s doing here, but this wedding is happening. I’ll have him kicked out after the ceremony is over so he doesn’t cause a scene. Is he friends with Timber? I would’ve seen his name on the invites.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs I’m almost certain he’s stared a hole right through me. I want to snap at him and ask him what the hell he’s looking at. Instead I kiss both my sister’s cheeks before passing her over to Timber.

My eyes water all over again as my emotions get the best of me. This is all so much. I flick my gaze over to Kace, who is still staring at me, looking pissed. No, scratch that. He looks livid.


That makes two of us.

Chapter 3


When the ceremony is over I make a direct path for Myra, but she’s swept up in the crowd. I have to stand back and watch her smile and hug people as they come up and tell her what an incredible job she did on planning the party.

Of course she did an amazing job. Everything she touches turns to gold. Except me.

The thought enters my mind like a doubtful little worm at the exact moment I see Bruce go over and give her a hug. Red angry stars cloud my vision as I see her beam at him and then hug him again. Again. Why is she so fucking happy to see him? All he did was walk around the office with nothing to do and eat the good snacks she liked in the breakroom.

I can’t sit back and let him make a move, so I push my way forward and come up right behind them.

“Yeah, I got the invite from Timber,” Bruce says, and I watch Myra’s eyes widen. “I did some work for him a couple of weeks ago and he invited me. He even let it slip that you were living out here. Small world, isn’t it?”

She narrows her eyes at him but keeps smiling. “So very small.”

“Well, anyway, I’ll let you speak to your guests. Save me a dance for later?”

“You bet,” she answers, and he leans in and kisses her on the cheek.

I want to pull him away from her and then rip his lips off his face. But I have to show some kind of decorum. This is her sister’s wedding and I don’t want to embarrass her.

Just as Bruce steps out of the way I walk forward and take her by the arm. I don’t say a word as I lead her out of the line and away from the crowd.

“I have to go back there and greet the guests,” she says with a tight smile as we pass a few caterers.

“I’m a guest.” When we get to the end of a long hall there’s a door to the right and I walk in.

“No you’re not.” Her words are sharp and they should hurt me, but damn do I miss the sound of her voice.

As soon as I walk into the room I slam the door and push her up against it. I cage her there with my hands on either side of her as I lean in close. “Six. Weeks.”

She won’t look at me as she shrugs. “You’re not my boss anymore.”

“Enough.” I push away from her and take a step back. “Enough, Myra.”

“Enough what? I’m busy.” She crosses her arms and still won’t meet my eyes and it’s driving me fucking crazy.

“You’re going to go around this wedding and play nice and make sure everyone is having a good time. But when it’s over, you’re coming with me.”

That gets her attention. When she turns her dark blue eyes on me, I swear to god she could bring me to my knees with one command. She’s been driving me crazy for years and she has no idea the power she holds over me.

“I’m not going anywhere. I don’t work for you anymore, Mr. Cox. I quit, remember?” Her cheeks are flushed and I hate how she says my name.

I stomp back over and press my body up against hers so she’s pinned to the door. “I came inside you, remember?” Her mouth opens and I lean in so my lips are only a breath from hers. “That’s the day you became mine, and you won’t ever be rid of me.”

Without a warning I take her mouth and kiss her like a man that’s been in the desert and she’s my first drink of water. She opens her mouth, no doubt to yell at me, but I take the advantage and slide my tongue over hers. Her hands come to my chest and at first I think she’s going to push me away, but instead she fists my jacket, and damn if she doesn’t pull me closer.

Tags: Alexa Riley Cozy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024