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My Son's Girlfriend

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“Um, I just want you to know,” he says nervously, “we, um – weren’t seeing each other while you guys were still going out.” The elevator comes to a halt and the doors open. “Jimmy never, well, he didn’t cheat on you, is what I’m trying to say. Just in case you were wondering.”

I nod, shooting him a sad smile.

“Thank you.”

We’ve arrived outside. Jimmy’s boyfriend nods and walks off, disappearing into the sidewalk crowd in a minute. And it doesn’t matter – I simply head in the opposite direction, having no idea where I’m headed or what I should do next. So I wander aimlessly around Central Park, which is conveniently across the street from Jordan’s apartment, confused and clueless. It seems I’ve walked into a bit of a family mess, a feud that’s obviously been stewing on for years.

Suddenly my worries about sleeping with Jimmy’s dad, which had briefly been resolved, are back with a vengeance and so many times worse to boot. The stakes have been raised. We’ve been found out. Someone saw us. Who? Have the rumors spread? And what will happen next? Can I show my face on campus again? Questions whirl around my head as I continue wandering aimlessly through Central Park, wondering whether my affair with Jordan was worth it. Because what’s going to happen between Jordan and Jimmy? Is it worth causing this rift between my lover and his son? I feel terrible for feeling this way because having dated both … I only want the father now.

Chapter 14


I wander about Central Park aimlessly, my expression dazed. In the end I find my way back to campus. At least now it’s mercifully dark and I’m able to slip through the grounds without having to stop and speak to anyone. I can’t decide whether I’m being cautious or conceited to think that people would be talking about the scandalous limo video. But then my heart curdles because suddenly, there’s no doubt in my mind. Of course people will be talking about the video. It’s juicy and practically unbelievable. After all, what girl dates a son and also his father?

I hurry back to my dorm to find Nicole waiting up for me. Her face lights up as soon as I step into the room.

“Tell me everything!” she squeals. “How was it?”

“So you don’t know?” I ask her urgently.

“What do you mean? What should I know?” she asks, confused.

I hesitate. “Someone took a video of me getting into the limo with Jordan Marks. And they sent it to Jimmy,” I say, cringing.

“What?” asks Nicole, confused. “But why would that even matter? It’s just a limo. It’s not like you had full-on sex in front of the world.”

Clearly, Nicole hasn’t seen the video yet, and I bite my lip.

“No, it wasn’t like that,” I agree slowly. “But it’s implied because the door shuts, and then the car starts bouncing up and down.”

Nicole looks at me wide-eyed.

“You mean,” she sputters. “You guys were doing it in the back seat? That hard? Enough to make the limo shake?”

I shrug, my head down.

“Well, yes,” is my quiet reply. “Jordan Marks is a compelling man and we got a little carried away. It was hot, insane, and yes, we made the car rock a little.”

Nic cuts me off. “Oh my god, is there sound?”

I wince, almost hesitant to say. “Yes,” is my final admission. “A little. You can hear me moaning in the background.”

Nicole’s jaw drops open then. “You go girl!” she shrieks. “High five!”

I grimace again, even as our hands slap. “I don’t feel very celebratory,” are my slow words. “The opposite in fact because what if it’s gotten all over school?”

“Hold on,” Nic says, suddenly breathless with anticipation. Her fingers dance all over the keys of her phone, eyes darting left and right. I hold my breath in anticipation as she browses and presses some buttons.

“Oh my god,” she says suddenly, face lit up ghoulishly by her cell. “Yeah – it’s all over Snapchat. And Instagram.”

“What?” I scream, grabbing the phone from her and glaring at it in horror, seeing myself getting in the limo over and over again, followed by the obscene rocking of the vehicle. The video has even been edited down to just a few seconds, cutting out the middle part when Jordan and I were talking.

“Oh no,” I groan, handing the phone back to Nicole. I plunk myself down next to her on the couch with my face in my hands.

“So it’s true. You had sex with Jordan Marks,” she says gleefully. “It was good, right?”

“It was amazing,” my voice is muffled through my hands.

“But that’s awesome!” tries Nicole, trying to sound positive.

“No, Nic, it would have been great if we’d had the bright idea to drive away from campus before fucking in Jordan’s limo, which isn’t exactly inconspicuous to begin with,” I groan. “Most people on campus drive Accords and Camrys. He’s the only one with a limo.”

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