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My Son's Girlfriend

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“So you were overcome with passion and couldn’t wait. What’s wrong with that? That’s awesome! To hell with everyone else! To hell with what they think!” she exclaims passionately. I look up at her and let out a sigh.

“I appreciate it, Nic, I really do,” are my gentle words. “But it’s not that simple.”

“Why can’t it be that simple? You obviously have something great going on. What does it matter that you used to go out with his son?”

“You don’t even know the half of it,” I cringe, making her look at me expectantly, but I don’t know where to start.

“Ok, fess up Katie,” she says urgently, and I do. I tell her everything Jordan said about how I’ve changed him. How he wants to own me and possess me the same way I own and possess him. I tell her how intense the connection is, and how we held each other afterwards before driving to his penthouse.

“What?” she breathes, eyes wide. “What happened next?”

“He was leading me down the hall to his bedroom, I think, when we started hearing these sounds. And I recognized them as the sounds I heard that time I walked in on Jimmy watching gay porn – ”

“He was watching gay porn again?” she asks, nose squinching with disbelief. “Weird.”

“Nope,” I say. “Not porn on TV. He was full on having gay sex. With a guy from his lacrosse team.”

Nicole gasps, her hands to her mouth. “No way! I can’t believe it!” she exclaims through her fingers. “Who was it?”

“I don’t know his name,” I say slowly. “But he was nice actually. We ended up leaving together, and he wanted me to know it wasn’t going on while Jimmy and I were going out. That Jimmy hadn’t cheated on me.”

“Wait, back it up a bit, you’re missing a huge chunk of the story here. What happened when you and Jordan walked in on Jimmy having gay sex?” she asks eagerly.

“Oh, it was horrible!” I groan, thinking back to the fight it started between Jordan and Jimmy. A fight I still don’t know the outcome of. I tell her about the insults they hurled at each other and that I suddenly felt like I should leave, so they could discuss things in private.

“So you see, it’s so much bigger than just me and Jordan. Suddenly Jimmy’s out of the closet, and everyone saw me getting in the limo with Jordan. And they pretty much know what I was doing with him in the car too. Considering who both Jimmy and Jordan are, oh my god, the gossip will be relentless,” I groan.

Nicole comforts me the best she can, but it’s getting late and I’m exhausted from all the events that day. So I drag myself to the shower to relax my body from all the tension. But it doesn’t help much, and I schlep to bed in the hopes that sleep will find me soon so I can just let my mind rest for a bit. But that doesn’t happen either.

I’m lying on my back mulling over all possible outcomes of this saga, when I hear a tap on my window. Thinking it must be the wind, I ignore it. But there’s another tap. What the hell? I get out of bed and look down at the grounds beneath my building. It’s a very clear night and the moon is full, bathing the grounds in silver light, making it very easy to see the figure standing below my window, looking up at me: it’s Jordan.

All it takes is a few heaving breaths of air, just a couple of seconds of hesitation, before I’m hurtling out of my dorm and running through the hallway and down the stairs, as quietly as I can. I feel the soft, cool grass under the soles of my feet, and the warm night breeze on my bare legs, and realize all I’m wearing is a pair cotton mini shorts and a tank top. But I don’t care.

I only slow my steps as I’m approaching Jordan, suddenly feeling self-conscious. His figure is bathed in silver light on one side, and shrouded in darkness on the other, making it hard to discern his expression. His hands are in his pockets but his posture is rigid. Oh no.

“Jordan,” I whisper as I stand before him. “What are you doing here?” I peer up at his features, straining my eyes in the darkness. My lover looks pained, his dark brows furrowed, and firm jaw clenched. His jet black hair is slightly loose, a stray comma hanging over one blue eye. He looks smoldering and dangerous, yet vulnerable too. I want to fling myself into his arms but something makes me stop.

My lover stares down at me with a tension in his whole being that’s so strong, he could snap any second. My breath quickens, and my pussy clenches in arousal. I reach up to touch his face, but in one swift motion, he grabs my wrist.

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