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My Mom's Fiance

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But the blonde couldn’t be stopped. She turned around to show off her ass in the thong panties, wiggling this way and that. Gross, that ass was flat as a pancake, even a little saggy. You can’t fight the years, and compared to Lacey, this woman was skinny and dried out.

But a man’s mind goes where it wants. Because even though it was fucked up, I imagined Lacey in Amanda’s place, standing in front of me in the same outfit, turning around so I could see her thick ass and lush curves.

And shit, but the blood rushed to my dick.

“So you can get it up,” Amanda purred, gratified. “You can do it, big boy.”

She climbed back on the couch and started crawling towards me like a cat. But no. Hell no. I stood and moved away, distant and forbidding.

“I can get it up fine, I’m just not in the mood,” came my dismissive reply. Buttoning my blazer, I nodded curtly. “We can stick to your original plan and just have a hell of a wedding night. I’m all for that,” came the glib lie. Yeah right. Our wedding night was gonna be hell for sure, but the bad kind, that much was clear by now.

The blonde opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind, snapping it shut instead. Trembling, those thin fingers reached for the wine bottle once more, pouring herself a full glass before downing it in two gulps. Shit, the female was so sloppy. Red liquid splashed on her chest, smearing her lips and making her look like the Joker all over again.

“Right,” she cooed, voice raspy from too much smoking. “I’ll see you at the wedding then.”

My nod was curt once more.

“At the wedding,” came my grunt.

And I left then, closing the door softly behind my big frame. Shit, the situation fucking sucked. Because leaving the apartment, images of Lacey danced before my eyes. I’d just turned down a hot MILF in favor of a sweet, innocent teen. But that was against my best business interests. To make it in this city, I needed Amanda’s connections. I needed her contacts, to meet all the people who were worth meeting in the real estate world. And Lacey had none of that.

So why did my chest ache? Why was the air burning in my lungs? Fuck, life was so fucked up … but I’m a billionaire who knows how to make a buck, and the wedding was still on.



My life is ruined.

Nothing went the way I’d planned that night with Jake.

When I asked Jake to drink his cum from that bowl, I thought he’d run the other way screaming, never to come back.

But that clearly didn’t work because we just ended up going at it again. And again. And again.

Oh god, why is this happening? But the answer’s clear. I’m well and truly crazy for that man, completely head over heels. And not crazy in a good way. Mostly bad crazy because he’s my mom’s fiancé.

Tears blinded me as I stumbled forwards. But there was no choice. I’m dropping out of school because it’s just a waste of money now. I can’t concentrate on work anymore. Papers? Like I could write one. Problem sets? Straight Ds. Nothing in college made sense, words blurring in front of my eyes, the professor’s lectures a steady “wonk wonk” of nothingness.

So yeah, I’m out.

It’s sad, really.

All that tuition, down the drain.

All that homework, coming to nothing.

And for me? The community I’ve built? The friends I’ve made? The hours of studying? Put on pause, for now at least.

But I have to count my blessings. Aunt Jill is giving me a place to stay until I get my head on straight. I haven’t told her anything because what could she say? It’s more like she’d kick me out if she knew about this thing between me and Jake.

So feet heavy, I trudged to the door.

But Jenna and Denise tumbled in just as I was leaving. They looked terrible as well, like they’d been crying their hearts out.

“Are you sure we can’t change your mind?”

Jenna immediately wrapped her arms around me. Tears streamed down both of our faces. I’d already confessed everything, but my friends were just as confused as me.

Denise flopped down on the bed with a pile of letters and mailbox flyers in her lap. She wasn’t taking it as bad as Jenna, thank God.

“You don’t have to do this, Lacey,” she said staunchly. “You could stay with us while you figure things out. We can help.”

I gulped.

“Thanks guys, but it won’t work. You guys have your own lives, and I’d just be a drag.”

But my girls weren’t persuaded.

“This just seems so extreme, Lace. Dropping out? Are you sure?” pressed Denny. “Are you completely sure?”

And I broke down then. Because of course, I wasn’t sure at all. I wanted to stay, but at the same time, my life was falling apart on a much bigger level. The break was needed, if only to get my head screwed on straight again.

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