My Mom's Fiance - Page 42

“Okay, whatever you want, Miss,” and with that we were off, pedal to the metal. No one wants an insane person in their backseat.

Meanwhile, I sank into the cushion, the fake leather smell overwhelming. Was I doing the right thing? Unfortunately, yes. Nothing I’d done in the last few months was sane. I’d made bad choice after bad choice. Not only that, but my morals needed to be adjusted and my mind put back on the right path. Hell, I needed to find my morals, not just adjust them. It was time to set things right.

And eventually, we pulled up to a tall glass building in the middle of nowhere. The structure looked like any corporate business office, square and nondescript. But this was an insane asylum for sure because there was a high fence around the grassy, green grounds. As I stared, the air fizzled above the fence, dancing before my eyes. Of course. It was electrified so you couldn’t escape.

“Are you sure still?” the driver asked me again slowly. “I can take you back into the city if you want. No extra charge,” he said, eyeing a guard who was obviously packing, a telltale bulge under his armpit.

The offer was tempting, but I had to be strong. Drawing a deep breath, I shot him a watery smile.

“It’s okay. Thank you. This is where I need to be anyways.” Pressing money for the fare into his hand, I got out. And the driver shrugged then.

“Good luck, girlie,” he said as the car rolled off. “I get the feeling you’ll need it.”

Boy, would I need it. Once the cab disappeared, I squared my shoulders, back straight before approaching the guard.

“I’m here to check myself in.” My suitcase handle nearly slipped from trembling fingers, nerves making me shake uncontrollably. But gripping tight, my expression didn’t change. This was going to be my life from now on.

And the guard shrugged, pressing a button. Slowly, the gate swung open, dark and scary like a raven’s wings, ominous and foreboding.

Oh god, oh god, did I really belong here? Stepping forwards, my foot faltered. Maybe there was another solution. Maybe I could redeem myself somehow, do good deeds and make up for my past. Maybe I could go to church and beg for forgiveness.

But it was too late.

That kind of forgiveness was over.

I needed a shrink and maybe some meds to set myself straight.

So taking a deep breath, I gripped the handle of my suitcase tight and passed through the massive gates. Something had to give, and this was the only way now. Asking my aunt for help would burden her, and my friends were too young themselves. My mother was out of the question. And as for Jake ….

Oh Jake. My heart pulsed in pain, tears blurring my eyes again. What would he do if he knew I was here? But the thing is, he was getting married tomorrow. The alpha was likely busy with errands, getting his wedding suit together and whatnot.

Oh god.

His wedding suit.

For his marriage to my mom.

And swallowing once more, I stepped forwards, the gates clanging shut behind me. Because I belonged here, for sure. If anything, I deserved being here, after the fucked-up things I’d done. But my heart still cried, a hammer steadily pounding in my brain. Jake, Jake, Jake, it sobbed. Jake, save me please.

But there was no salvation. There was only the insane asylum for me now … and my fragile mental health at stake.



The tux looked good, skimming my broad shoulders, emphasizing the width of my chest. Not that I cared. So long as it was decent, that was enough.

Cade, my best man, smirked before leaving the room to gossip with his wife on the phone. He’d come from Chicago for my wedding, thinking it was the most important day of my life. Bros forever, and all that.

But I didn’t bother to correct him. There’ve been more important days in the past, and there’d be more in the future too.

Fortunately, no one knew my traitorous thoughts. The church was packed. Even from up here, a private room in back, I could hear the voices. People talking and laughing, merrily jabbering away.

Shit. I couldn’t stay up here any longer. Stalking out to the interior balcony, I looked down at the crowd gathered in the main hall of the church below.

Amanda’s bridesmaids clustered around the blonde, cooing and pecking like a gaggle of hens. But where was Lacey? I frowned. The brunette should have been in that group, helping her mom primp.

Because I haven’t heard from her since that session at her dorm. That unbelievable session. My dick got hard just thinking of it. Shit, the little girl had been saving my cum, letting it drip from her ass into a bowl. What a dirty little slut. My dirty little slut.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024