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Serving Him

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“Um,” I stretched, putting my feet playfully in his lap. “Umm, that feels good.”

The big man merely grunted, massaging my soles.

“Baby you’ve got pretty feet,” he growled. “Even your toes are gorgeous,” he said, dropping a kiss on my sole.

I squealed, pulling my foot away.

“No, don’t, don’t!” I panted laughingly. “That’s gross! Don’t kiss my feet.”

But Kane merely grabbed my ankles and planted a smooch on my calf this time.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” he growled threateningly. “Every bit of you is beautiful Rebecca, you know Daddy loves it all.”

And I flushed because all my inhibitions have gone out the window with the big man. I let him touch me everywhere, kiss me everywhere, lick me everywhere, and places that I’d thought were taboo were now areas of fun, delicious and sensitized, I could hardly wait for his caresses sometimes.

But I was just about to protest again when suddenly the door swung open and a man came in with a woman on each arm, each female clad in nothing but a purple thong. Oh god, that thong. I had a dozen of them as well, they were the “uniform” for Club girls, we wore nothing but a thong and heels most times. But given that I’d been locked in Kane’s room for the past week, my underthings had barely seen any use. I’d been bare as a baby, doing everything in the nude in front of my man, letting it all hang out.

So I gasped, pulling the towel higher over my breasts, making sure everything was covered discreetly.

But the other man didn’t even notice, he was so into the girls on his arm, the giggling, swaying females. Although he did throw a respectful look at my companion, nodding slightly at the alpha male.

“Hey,” our visitor said, leading the nymphs to a corner of the room, their big breasts jouncing and bouncing, hips swaying to and fro. “Yo, we’ll be over here.”

And I gasped because the mist was heavy in the sauna for sure, it was humid and hot to promote relaxation. But even as I squinted into the darkness, the unmistakable sound of a moan rang out, a woman in heat, being touched by a man’s sure hand.

“Kane,” I whispered, taking his hand. “Is it really?”

The big male chuckled deep in his chest, lightly skimming my shoulders with a square finger.

“It absolutely is,” he growled in reply. “Why, does that bother you? It’s how the Club operates, everything is in the open.”

I nodded. The bar had been that way too, there had been men fucking serving girls like it was no big deal while they sipped their drinks leisurely. But it still took some getting used to. Because even though I was technically one of the maids, seeing it in the open stunned me. I’d been sequestered in Kane’s suite these last couple days, safe and private, and to witness the decadence and the depravity of the Club first hand shocked and titillated me simultaneously.

“But,” I stammered, “is anything off limits?” I asked hesitantly. “I mean, who says what’s okay and what’s not?”

Kane shrugged, unconcerned.

“There’s a governing board, there are by-laws, there are rules, all sorts of shit, baby girl,” he drawled. “This place is more professional than you think. Sure, it’s a private club but it’s also a company and trust me, all the I’s have been dotted and T’s crossed. Billionaires make sure of it,” he added. “We have too much on the line.”

I understood. I mean, if I had that much in my bank account, I wouldn’t do anything half-ass either. But still, there were questions.

“But what about these girls?” I asked softly. “Are they okay with it?”

Kane chuckled deeply in his chest.

“What do you think? Do those ladies who came in seem like they’re okay with it?”

I blushed because there was only one answer, given the throaty moans from the other side of the room.

“Well yes,” I whispered, trying not to look in that direction. It was impossible to see, the mist was too heavy, but still, the sounds were arousing, incredibly lusty and loud. Oh god, my pussy tingled just hearing the hard grinding, and Kane looked at me knowingly, a gleam in his eyes. But I continued. “I’m just not sure …,” I stammered.

He quirked a brow at me.

“Not sure of what?” he ground out, gaze heated. “What is it baby?”

I paused once more, biting my lip.

“I mean, whose idea was this all?” I asked, gesturing with one small hand. “Who came up with the idea for the Billionaires Club?”

And the big man’s brow furrowed for a moment.

“It was a bunch of us,” he said smoothly. “A bunch of us got together and created this shindig,” he said, gesturing with a hand.

I nodded, this operation was too big to be the domain of only one man.

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