Mated Enemies - Page 111

But my elf never really makes an appearance. Since I’ve spent so many hundreds of years in the earthly realm she’s never really had reason to materialize since she seems to only show herself to immortal royalty and the elders of our people, so her I am not too familiar with, though of course I’ve been taught all there is to know about her kind.

My grandfather is lord of the elven, something else I never paid much mind to seeing as how it’s never came into play before, it’s just something that I know to be part of me and who I am. Well apparently the elf princess showed up two nights ago and this one is in love.

I’ve taken to calling him the monster, because she seems to have brought out the beast in him and all he wants to do is make love, literally all day and night, something that she is apparently all for. Now my nymph is back and she has other things she wants to do.

Who’d have thought an elf could out sex a fairy? But apparently she’s a freak. Now elves are known more for being sensual than sexual beings, but during one of our rare conversations in the last forty eight hours the horny dragon had intimated that maybe it was because of my eclectic mix of blood ancestors.

Whatever the case may be, she seems to be his new favorite toy and he could spend hours playing with her to his heart’s content. I had to pretend to be mad that he seemed to like her more to make my escape. He’s even more gentle towards me, more loving, when I didn’t think that was possible. If I didn’t know better I’d swear she’d hypnotized him because all he wants to do is sit and watch her, when he’s not inside her.

Our nuptial ceremony is tomorrow and I’m feeling panicked, like what if I fall flat on my face when the whole kingdom is watching? He didn’t even let me get through my fitting since as he said the gown was made from my measurements so there was no need.

Three ladies showed up apparently to teach me more about what was expected of me and some other formalities I’m supposed to know in order to carry out my duties on that day but he’d ran them off. The elf didn’t seem to have an issue with that, but my nymph needs all the help she can get.

Now as I looked at the palace from my hidden place in the garden I breathed a sigh of relief when he gave up looking for me and went about his business. I’d tricked him into not spying on me with his mind, something I don’t remember doing maybe ‘she’ had done it. Good grief I’m jealous of myself.

I came out from behind the brush where I’d been squatting in a most unladylike manner and brushed the leaves from my dress before taking a much needed breath. Today was exploration day, there was still so much I hadn’t seen and now that I knew nothing was off limits I was ready to go.

I slipped away not even thinking of the guards he’d sicced on me, or poor Millicent who’s been having a time of it keeping up with me. I was sure that he wouldn’t really behead them for not keeping a closer eye on me, or at least I hope so.

I had no real destination in mind when I set out, I just wanted to wander to my heart’s content to get a feel for my new home that went beyond Lucien’s bedroom. I didn’t even know I was supposed to have my own palace here on the grounds of his, not that I wanted to move there. But it might come in handy those times he pisses me off and I need a breather.

So though I had no real set destination in mind, I headed off in the general vicinity, following the directions Millicent had innocently let slip earlier. The day was perfect, and everything seemed brighter, more alive as I passed them by. My senses were awakening more and more the more time I spent here and it was a completely different experience than the one I’d got living on earth.

For some reason it was beginning to feel like home, like I belonged here, no doubt this is partially because of the baby. Speaking of which, it’s a good thing the ceremony will be held soon because I don’t think my robes and gowns will be able to hide my growing baby bump for much longer. He seems to be really growing in there.

I smelt the fruit trees before I saw them and of course my fairy nose started to sniff the air. Then I heard the slight ding of music which seemed to get louder the closer I got to the place where I was sure the scent of fresh fruit was coming from.

Tags: Jordan Silver Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024