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My Sheriff

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Chapter Five



Two Weeks Later

I am honestly surprised that Dallas gave me two weeks to get this wedding together. The Lord’s Church on 2nd Avenue is a non-denominational church that has a large banquet room. It was the perfect place for both the ceremony and the reception.

Everyone I know was invited as well as a bunch of people from Pierre, where Dallas went to college and the police academy. The only person missing is my cousin Maddy. She moved to Minnesota and I haven’t seen her in forever. While I am bummed out, I am not letting that ruin my special day.

After this I get to go home with my husband. I already moved in with him on my birthday. What was the point of waiting? We both knew what we wanted. Logistically, getting married while still in high school is weird, but I’m doing it anyways. I suppose I could have gotten him to wait until I graduated, but the truth is I want this. I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything. On Saturday afternoon, I start getting ready with the help of my mom and Bree.

“I am so nervous, Bree. I love him so much,” I say already tearing up.

“You’re gonna be fine,” she says adjusting my veil. I wanted to have a wedding, but a less than traditional one. My rose-colored satin cocktail dress flares out at the knees, and my veil is short and black. Since I still hate shoes, I am wearing black chucks that are my something old and something borrowed. They’re actually Bree’s. I have a rockabilly thing going on, and I am rocking it if I do say so myself.

“What if he changes his mind?” I ask, fidgeting with my bouquet of white French tulips. They were expensive and hard to find, but they are my favorite. My parents spared no expensive to make this day everything I’ve ever wanted.

“Girl, please. He’s been here since three-thirty. Cal says he’s been pacing a hole in the floor waiting for you.”

“That makes me feel better,” I say genuinely relieved. I don’t know why I’ve felt this way all day. My stomach has been in knots for a few days actually.

There’s a knock on the door and my mom answers it. It’s my dad, ready to walk me down the aisle and into the waiting arms of my future. Suddenly, we are in position. I nervously shift from foot to foot.

I watch my mom get escorted down the aisle. She looks lovely in her tan mother of the bride dress.

“You ready, Mere?” my dad asks me, patting my arm. “You look beautiful. Dallas is a lucky man,” he says with tears in his eyes.

“So ready. Thank you, dad. I am so happy,” I say as the music cues up. My dad has been through everything with me. He’s the one who taught me to bake. While I am closer to my mom, he really has been an excellent father.

At the end of the aisle, I kiss my father’s cheek and Dallas takes my hands in his.

“You look incredible,” he whispers.

“Thank you,” I say smiling up at him. “You look handsome,” I tell him. His light suit without a tie is hot as fuck.

A few minutes later, we are married. I throw my arms around his neck and we kiss passionately. Not the kind of kiss you want your mom to see, but I just can’t help myself when I am near him. I hope this feeling never fades.

Our reception lasts until midnight, but when it’s over we head home. We aren’t taking a honeymoon until the day after I graduate. We are going to Florida for two weeks. I want to go to all of the amusement parks and Dallas is obliging me. The next day, I don’t want to get out of bed, but I hear a clunking sound from outside. I reach over and his side of the bed is cold. I throw on a tank top and some leggings and follow the noise. Dallas is standing over his cruiser, shirtless, in just a pair of shorts, wiping his filthy hands on a rag. Then he sets it on the hood of the car.

“Whatcha doing?” I ask sassily.

“Changing the oil,” he says looking at me like I’m his next meal.

“Really. Are men just born knowing how to do those things?”

“You know that class in fifth grade where they teach us about sex as a group then we split off?”

“Yeah, sex ed,” I say giggling.

“While you ladies learned about your periods, us guys learned how to change flats and the oil on our cars.” I almost believe until he grins.

“Haha. Very funny,” I say playfully tossing his dirty rag at him.

“You wanna play, wife?”

“Always,” I say honestly.

Before I know what hit me, my pants are gone, and my back is on the hood of the car. He’s inside me while kissing my neck. His beard rubs on my skin and I know it’s leaving a mark. I welcome his marks. He owns me before I can say anything. Like I ever would. He drives me wild and I crave him.

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