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My Sheriff

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Graduation was fun and Florida was amazing. Settling into married life has been the blast I knew it would be. We’ve been home for a month now and that knotted, queasy feeling in my stomach hasn’t gone away. After missing another period, I take a pregnancy test and of course, it’s positive. Is it really any wonder? We do nothing but work and make love. Working from three in the morning to eleven has its perks though. Dallas’ office hours are from seven to three, but as he is the sheriff, he goes to pretty much every major emergency and it didn’t take long to get used to that. He has a police scanner by the bed that’s like white noise to me now. I’ve learned all the codes so there’s that. As soon as he comes in the door, I am on him, kissing him.

“Hey babe. How was your day?” I ask, following him into our room. I know the first place he’ll go is to the safe.

“It was good. Big pile up on the interstate, but no fatalities,” he says taking his belt off. Proving me right, he opens the safe and he pulls his gun out of the holster. He sets the belt on top of the dresser. I placed the pregnancy test in a Ziplock bag and set it inside earlier. He pulls it out and sets the gun inside. He looks at the bag then at me.

“Is this what I think it is?” he asks closing the safe.

“It is. I just took it. We’re going to be parents,” I say tears welling up. My throat does that closing thing and I know sobs are imminent. He sets the test down and pulls me into his arms.

“You’ve made me the luckiest man to ever walk the Earth,” he practically shouts before kissing me.

“I bet all guys say that,” I say laughing.

“Maybe so, but that doesn’t make it any less true. I love you, wife. We are going to be the best parents.” I know he’s thinking about his own and how awful they were to him.

“We got this, babe. We’re nothing like them. You’re nothing like them,” I say to reassure him. I hate that he was dealt such a shitty hand in his early life. I hope I can make up for that him. He deserves the very fucking best.

“With you by my side, I know that’s true,” he says kissing me again.

Together, we can do it all and then some.

Loving my sheriff has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done. He gets me on levels I didn’t know I had until he awakened them.

If the bang we started with is any indication of how our life is going to be, yeah, we got this.



Seven Years Later

Seven years and four kids later, we are stronger than ever. Even at three in the morning, feeding Reston, our five-month-old, and looking seven shades of exhausted, she’s still my goddess, my everything. I get up with her each time, though I can do nothing but burp him, and keep her company. Once Reston is happily sleeping again, we go back to our bed. Plopping down, she snuggles into my side.

“I can’t believe we’re having another one so soon,” she says sleepily.

“What?” I ask incredulously.

“Didn’t I say something about this yesterday, maybe. Ah, fuck I got busy after soccer and tap class. Sorry, I could have sworn we had this conversation. How insane is that?” she asks, laughing a little. We have been busy, but I think my girl needs a break. Good thing I’ve got a little something up my sleeve.

“How long have you known?” I ask. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I obviously know how it happened, but I really didn’t expect it so soon. Five children under six isn’t going to be a breeze.

“Aren’t you happy? I am. All I’ve ever wanted was to be a mother. I got that almost five times over. I’m so happy. Thank you for these gifts, husband,” she says kissing my chest.

“Wife, I’m so happy. It is I who should be thanking you for these gifts. You’ve given me so many things over the years. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she says rolling over on top of me. Her already wet pussy comes in contact with my hard cock. The little nightgown she’s wearing rises up, but I want to see all of her. So, I grip it near her breasts and rip it open. She moans, rising to her knees she sinks her warm, wet cunt down my shaft. I groan and thrust my hips meeting hers. After all this time, she expertly knows what to do. Her inner muscles grip my cock like a vice.

When she’s close to her orgasm, I lean up and pull one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking hard, tasting her sweet milk, which does nothing but turn me on more. Her hands which were resting on my chest pull my hair hard moving me from one nipple to the other. My sexy wife loves having her nipples played with and I’m only too happy to oblige her. I can feel my orgasm rising from my toes and I fill her cunt with my seed. Fuck yes, her womb is already bred. Nothing makes me feel more like a man than when I’ve successfully done my duty as a husband. I have to clamp a hand over mouth as shouts my name when she comes.

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