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A Worthy Opponent (Wicked Villains 3)

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Everything stops.

My jaw aches as Beast eases from my mouth. Hook gives the back of my neck a squeeze. “Tell me what you want.” No amusement in his voice now. Just harsh command.

“I want Gaeton to suck your cock.” It’s not the only thing I want. But even blitzed out of my mind, I can’t quite speak the words that will have the cock I really want inside me.

“Mmmm.” Despite his low words, I’m sure I’m not imagining his hand shaking on the back of my neck. It’s the slightest tremor, but I’m suddenly sure I’m the cause. “What do you think, Gaeton?”

“What the fuck do you think I think? Yes.”

There’s some shifting around, though Hook doesn’t relinquish his hold on me. I appreciate that more than I can put into words. He’s my tether, the contact that will see me through this.

“It’s a shame you can’t see Gaeton take my cock deep, wife. It’s quite the sight to behold.”

“Maybe next time,” I repeat his earlier words back to him.

Hook’s laugh is harsh. “Yes. Next time.” The barest pause. “Continue. Don’t stop until she’s coming or you are.”

Beast gives my braid a yank, and then his cock fills my mouth again. This time, there is no pausing, no hesitation. The three of them simply resume fucking me as if they never stopped.

I can’t move, can’t think, can’t do more than take what they give. Take and take and take. The pleasure is so acute, it edges on pain. And through it all, even though I’m half sure it’s my imagination, I can hear Gaeton sucking Hook’s cock. The low sound in the back of his throat when Hook shoves deep. Hook’s harsh exhale when Gaeton does something with his tongue. All of it.

And then Hook’s voice, reaching across the darkness to show me the way home. “Let go, Tink. I’ve got you.”

My orgasm catches me entirely by surprise, shattering me down to my base parts and grinding them further to dust. Until I am nothing, and there is peace in that nothingness.

It only lasts a moment, and then I’m slammed back into my body as Beast pulls from my mouth and hot come lashes my breasts. Malone eases out of my ass mere seconds before Gaeton hooks me around the waist and flips us, sending me to the mattress on my back and driving into me once, twice, a third time. He pulls out, yanks the condom off, and comes across my stomach with a low curse.

“Look at the mess they made of you,” Hook murmurs approvingly. His hand touches my temple, and it’s the only warning I get before he eases the blindfold from my eyes.

The room is only lit by the firelight, and even then it’s glaringly bright after so long in the dark. I blink rapidly, trying to force my eyes to adjust. Things come into focus one at a time. Gaeton kneeling between my thighs, his skin shining with a faint sheen of sweat. He’s got freckles. That always surprises me.

Standing behind him on his left is Malone. She’s dressed in an outfit I designed for her and looks like she just came from a business meeting or a runway, aside from the blue cock strapped to her hips. She gives me a faint smile, though her eyes are warm enough.

On Gaeton’s other side, standing back near the wall, is Beast. He’s got the most flawless cheekbones I’ve ever seen on a person, and the faint flush to his pale skin only makes him more attractive. He’s already tucked his cock back into his jeans and leans against the wall as if he wasn’t just fucking my mouth.

Finally, inextricably, my gaze is pulled to Hook. He’s on one knee at my side, still bracing the back of my neck. He studies my face with dark eyes, and I can’t begin to guess what he sees there. Whatever it is brings a slow smile to his lips. It’s a little crooked, a little imperfect, but it’s the realest one I’ve seen on him to date. “You’ve pleased me, Tink.”

Something flutters in my chest in response. I don’t have the strength to convince myself that it’s the same weightless sensation I always get after a good scene. It’s different. Not just because this whole experience was so intense. It’s different because it’s him.

“You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.” He lifts his voice a little bit, obviously talking to the others.

Malone’s taken the time to remove the strap-on, and she steps around him to ruffle my hair. “I’ll see you later, Tink.”

Beast meets my gaze for a long moment and nods. He hasn’t said a single fucking word this whole time, which is both painfully sexy and also weird as shit.

Then they’re gone, leaving only Gaeton. He stands and stretches, his fingertips nearly touching the ceiling. “I’ll stick around for a bit.”

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