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A Worthy Opponent (Wicked Villains 3)

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Hook snorts. “You’re just looking to get your ass pounded.”

“Guilty.” He gives a charming smile and suddenly the room seems several shades brighter. “You know your little wife will like to watch.”

In fact, I would like to watch. Gaeton was a switch, but he doesn’t submit in public, so I’ve never gotten the opportunity to witness it. Watching Hook dominate him?

Yes, please.

Hook’s watching me closely. “Yes, it appears she would.” He picks me up and climbs easily to his feet. “I’ll get to you presently, Gaeton.”

“By all means, take your time.” He flings himself down onto the couch and grins. “She’s a dirty girl. Better clean her up.”

I have to bite down the impulse to tell Hook to put me down, that I’m too heavy. He’s obviously got things well in hand, and it’s just my fool brain being an asshole.

He sets me down on the bed and steps back to look at me, his eyes warm. “My little cum slut.” As I hold my breath, he drags a finger through Beast’s come on my chest and down to where Gaeton marked my stomach.

It takes me a full second to realize that his meandering path is not, in fact, random. I frown down at my body. “Did you just write mine in the come of two other men?”

“Yes.” He reaches past me to pull the comforter up around my shoulders. “I’m going to get something to clean you up with. Try not to menace Gaeton too thoroughly in the few minutes I’ll be gone.”

I can’t stop looking at the mess they made of me. “I’ll try.”

“Good girl.” Then he’s gone, shutting the door softly behind him.

My shakes start, and I pull the blanket more firmly around my shoulders. Gaeton kicks the leg he has draped over the arm of the couch, his eyes on me. “So, you and Hook.”

“Shut up.”

“An old married couple.”

“Shut up.”

“Next thing you know, you’ll be three kids in and won’t come play with me anymore.”

I force myself to hold his gaze, to banish the queasy feeling his words bring. “Gaeton. Shut up.”

He finally shuts up.

I can’t think about kids. Surely Hook won’t ask that of me in this sham of a marriage? I mean, yes, I always wanted a family. I still do, though my confidence that I won’t fuck up some new human isn’t particularly high at this point. Still, a family that loves unconditionally is all I ever wanted.

It’s the lure Peter dangled in front of me in the first place. All smiles and promises that family really doesn’t have anything to do with blood relations, that he’s built up his very own that he plays king over. Spinning a dream of being queen at his side and mother to this family, something I couldn’t quite comprehend at sixteen, but was attracted to all the same.

For a while, it was really, really good. He showered me with attention and I soaked it up like the starved thing I was. Then the sanctions on my appearance, words, and time started, cutting me off from anyone who wasn’t Peter so slowly that I didn’t realize it was happening until it was too late.

I shake my head, trying to dispel the memories, but it doesn’t help because my body is shaking now. Before I can figure out a way to hide it from Gaeton—he’s a dick, but he’s still too good a Dom to let me suffer while he’s sitting in the same room—the door opens and Hook returns.

He takes one look at me and curses, crossing the room in several long strides. Seconds later, I’m in his lap with his strong arms holding me close. “I’ve got you.”

He doesn’t though, not really.

I close my eyes and accept the aftercare. I’m distantly aware of Hook speaking to Gaeton in a low voice, but the words glance off me, unable to find traction. It’s just as well. When I open my eyes again, we’re alone. “Poor Gaeton.”

“Please. He got your pussy and my cock tonight. More is just him being greedy.” Hook rests his chin on top of my head. “Do you want to go home tonight or stay here?”


The word doesn’t apply. The Underworld was my home until today. Hook’s fortress is his, not mine. Marriage or not, I feel displaced and adrift. I lean my head against his shoulder and sigh. “I don’t want to stay here.” It would hurt too much to occupy one of the overnight rooms, and I doubt Hades will allow me access to my suite.

He eases me off him and moves to kneel at the edge of the bed. It should be a subservient position, but it isn’t this time any more than it was back in his room. He pulls open a little cooler-looking box and proceeds to pull out a warm, wet cloth to clean me up.

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