Their Festive Island Escape - Page 20

None of that however had anything to do with the matter at hand currently. She couldn’t keep Reid waiting for long.

A sales clerk approached her from across the aisle. The young woman had a dazzling smile and long, tight braids cascading down her back.

“Can I be of assistance, miss?”

Celeste returned her smile. “I’m just being indecisive, that’s all.” In so many ways.

She pointed to the water shoes Celeste held. “Well, if you’re going on the tour tomorrow to climb Dunn’s River, you’ll need sturdier protection than those for your feet.”

That was indeed one of the excursions Reid had asked her to attend.

“Follow me,” the clerk said, then turned to lead her to a different shelf. “These are a bit thicker in the sole. Better to grip the slippery rocks.”

Just how slippery were those rocks? Maybe this was a sign. The universe had sent this pretty sales clerk to warn her not to try to do anything so perilous as climbing up a waterfall. She liked to think she was fit. But her exercise regimen mainly consisted of meditation and yoga. Though the latter could be strenuous and muscle straining, Celeste was no rock climber.

The sales clerk suddenly laughed. “You look very concerned.”

“I am a bit,” Celeste admitted. “I’ve never climbed up a waterfall before.”

“Trust me, you will love it. It’s an experience of a lifetime. There are professional, knowledgeable guides to help you every step of the way. You’ll do fine.”

“I’m not so sure. Sounds like it could be very dangerous.” Part of her was referring to so much more than the climb. She’d be opening herself up to danger on so many other fronts. She could no longer deny her attraction to her ex-fiancé’s best man. An attraction which was wrong on so many levels.

The more Jack had learned about her background, the more distant he’d grown. Ultimately, he’d walked away.

What made her think Reid would be any different?

“This isn’t an opportunity you want to miss. What if you never get the chance again?” the smiling clerk asked, breaking into her thoughts.

That was certainly something to consider.

“It’s just not an activity I would normally do,” Celeste admitted.

The woman’s smile grew. “What better time than on vacation to take a chance and try something new?”

Celeste didn’t bother to explain. She wasn’t usually the type to take chances. Too many things could go wrong. Life ran so much smoother when every detail was attended to and risky endeavors were steadfastly avoided. The only time she’d been remiss in that regard had resulted in humiliation and heartbreak.

Climbing up some slippery rocks as a waterfall cascaded over your body certainly wasn’t on the same scale as agreeing to marry a man you had many reservations about. But still, risk was risk. What would happen to her mother if anything were to happen to Celeste? Or to her sister and young niece, for that matter? She knew they’d be taken care of financially, she’d seen to that years ago. But they needed her so much more than just monetarily.

Then again, maybe she was just flattering herself. Maybe Tara and her mom would figure out how to move forward without her, especially as long as the checks kept on coming.

Plus, how dangerous could these excursions really be? It wasn’t like she was putting her life in danger. From what Reid had explained, dozens of tourists a day participated in this particular activity. Even young children.

She’d spent countless days on vacation lying on lounge chairs with her nose in the pages of a book. Maybe it was time to try something different.

“Also,” the clerk continued, “your man is going to love the way you look in that.” She pointed to the swimsuit Celeste held. “That shade of blue will look great with your skin tone and dark hair.”

“Oh! I’m not—I mean, we don’t—”

The other woman quirked an eyebrow at her. “Are you going alone? That’s all right, too. Many people do.”

“No. I won’t be alone. I am going with a man. It’s just that—well, he isn’t my man. Just a man, you see. And we’re not even going as friends. Not really. It’s more a business thing.”

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024