Their Festive Island Escape - Page 35



Celeste’s cell phone screen lit up with a text message as she was walking down the concrete pathway to the entrance of the resort property.

I’m here a couple minutes early. See you soon. R

She’d be arriving right at the time they’d agreed to meet at the bellhop desk to board the shuttle bus that would take them to the Flower Forest. Looked like Reid didn’t want to take any chances that she’d be late. Or that she wouldn’t show. If she was being fair, she would admit he couldn’t be blamed for being uncertain. She hadn’t so much as dropped him a thank-you text for the extravagant day of decadence he’d treated her to yesterday.

Even worse, she’d seen him approaching the spa building as she was leaving but had ducked for cover and turned the other way. Not that she’d meant to avoid him. But she had just needed one full day away from him to regain her equilibrium.

Truth be told, she was also a little embarrassed. Her reaction to the ATV ride weighed on her. Reid probably saw her as weak and fearful of new activities. It galled her to appear that way to anyone, let alone a man like him. The temperature dropped several degrees as she entered the air-conditioned concierge lobby. She spotted Reid right away, but then he was particularly hard to miss. A head taller than most of the people in the room, he was dressed in khaki shorts and another formfitting T-shirt, blue this time. She had no doubt the rich color would serve to heighten the golden hue of his eyes.

Her conclusion was confirmed when she reached him. Yep, a girl could get lost in those beautiful golden depths if she didn’t check herself.

Celeste would have to make sure to check herself.

“You made it.”

She wasn’t imagining the relief in his voice. He’d been afraid she wasn’t going to show.

“All refreshed and ready to go,” she answered with a smile. “Thank you for my day of pampering yesterday. I feel like a new woman.”

His responding smile sent a bolt of awareness through her core.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Shall we?” Celeste prompted, before another one of those awkward silences could ensue that seemed to be so very frequent between them.

Reid nodded and led her outside to the waiting town car and held the back door open for her before climbing in the other side. Within moments they were pulling out of the long stone driveway and onto the main road. It always took Celeste a moment to adjust to the sensation of being driven on the opposite side of the street than what she was used to in the States.

Reid flipped open a console between their feet to reveal an assortment of drinks and snacks. “Can I get you anything?”

Celeste accepted some water and a rich chocolate bar that seemed to melt in her mouth when she bit into it. Between hours at the spa yesterday and this luxurious ride, she could get used to this lifestyle. City life was overrated.

“So, tell me about this flower garden,” she said between bites.

Reid uncapped a bottle of iced tea as he answered. “It’s called the Flower Forest. It’s one of the first excursions we contracted out after acquiring the resort. Owned and operated by the same family for generations. Now it’s just the matriarch and her son and daughter. All three are delightful people. A bit on the traditional side. You’ll enjoy meeting them.”

“I look forward to it.” She realized she was looking forward to the whole day, in fact. Unlike the adventurous feats of the previous excursions, this one sounded low-key and relaxing.

She’d have a chance to spend some time with Reid without a constant stream of adrenaline clouding her judgment. Maybe they’d even enjoy each other’s company.

No. That was hardly the goal for today. She had to keep that fact in mind. They weren’t a couple out enjoying an island getaway. They were barely friends, if one were to be completely accurate. Boundaries were important here.

Half an hour later, they pulled onto a gravel road and eventually came to a thick, green tree line.

Celeste had to suck in a breath when she exited the car at the sheer amount of color that greeted her. A flowing river could be heard behind the trees. The fragrant scent of exotic flowers filled the air. The entire scene could have been painted by a talented landscape artist.

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024