Their Festive Island Escape - Page 55

Well, she was about to find out.

Sliding the glass door open slowly, she stepped out onto the concrete in her bare feet.

“Hey, there,” she said softly.

He didn’t turn to her. “Sorry if I woke you.”

“I awoke on my own. Weren’t you able to sleep, either?”

He shook his head. “Happens sometimes.”

“I thought at first that you’d left.”

“Would you like me to?”

Her answer was immediate. “No! Don’t.” Please stay, she added silently, hating herself for the despair flooding her insides at the threat of him walking out right now.

He simply shrugged. “Okay.”

Okay? That was all he was going to say?

She sucked in a breath. “Would you like to be alone?”

He remained silent so long that Celeste was convinced he wasn’t going to answer her. Which was answer enough in itself, she figured. But then he finally turned to her, reached for her hands.

“No. I’ve been alone long enough. Stay with me.”

She wouldn’t allow herself to look too deeply into his words. They’d just been intimate with each other, as close as two people could get. And heaven help her, she only wanted desperately to be back in his arms again, snuggled up against him in her bed. The next time she woke up, she wanted to be nestled in his embrace with his warmth surrounding her body.

Right now, she stepped into his open arms and let him hold her. After several moments, he exhaled deeply and turned her to face the ocean, her back up against his front.

She could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. His strong, muscular arms held her tightly around her waist.

“It’s beautiful out there, isn’t it?” he asked, his breath hot up against her ear.

She nodded under his chin. “The whole resort is a sight to behold. You’ve really done well here, Reid.”

He continued, “It’s times like this when I wish I could simply take it all in and just enjoy this place. Rather than worry about how it’s run. Or if we’ll turn enough of a profit. It’s all just so new.”

He had a huge burden on his shoulders, she knew. She hadn’t realized just how heavily it all must have weighed on him.

“I wish there was a way I could help.”

“You are helping. You’re helping me put the marketing plan together to help sell this place. I couldn’t have asked for a better contractor.”

Celeste tried not to bristle at the reminder that she was essentially his temporary employee. He had to see her as more than that after what they’d just shared.

Or was it simply wishful thinking on her part to think so?

“I’ll do my best, Reid. But something tells me you would have figured out the marketing approach with or without me.”

He turned her to face him then, dropped a soft kiss along the base of her neck. Red-hot desire had her shuddering all over. It was quite a marvel how the smallest peck of a kiss from him could make her insides burn with want.

“I’m glad it was with you,” he said then took her lips in a hungry kiss. “So very glad.”

Any thought of profits or marketing strategies completely fled her mind as soon as his lips touched hers. Her only focus was the man holding her, kissing her, making her want. Her arms instantly went around his neck as his hands found her skin underneath the robe.

The next instant she was lifted off her feet and carried inside.

Where he set her further aflame.

* * *

Reid woke up to find Celeste sprawled over his chest. She was still sound asleep. Her breath was hot against his chest, hair spread out fanlike over his skin. He took the opportunity to run his fingers over their silken strands, remembering the way he’d thrust his hands through them last night and the way she’d melted in his arms over and over again.

Morning had come all too soon. A glance at the tableside clock told him that it was much later than he usually started the day. Alex was probably wondering where he was.

Yep, reality had dawned just as clearly as the morning sun. He couldn’t shove it aside any longer. Unwilling to let her go just yet, he pulled Celeste ever so slightly up against him. They would have some talking to do later. Though he had no real idea where he would start the conversation. He couldn’t risk mucking it all up by trying before he’d even figured things out.

Tags: Nina Singh Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024