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For Their Child's Sake

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Lucy nodded as she continued to another table. “That sounded like things were progressing nicely.”

“Yeah, well, he wasn’t there when we showed up and his boss acted like Sam never mentioned working that day.”

Lucy stilled and turned. “What happened to him? That doesn’t sound like Sam.”

Another layer of guilt slid heavily over her heart. “You’re right. The new Sam wouldn’t ditch work, but my mind jumped back and I accused him—”

Lucy cringed, squeezing the cloth napkins to her chest. “Tell me you didn’t.”

“I did. It just came out, and I was scared and worried and... I messed everything up.” Tara pulled out one of the white folding chairs and sank onto it. “He’s right, though. I’m afraid that any time something like that happens, I’m going to let fear take over and I’ll say something again that can’t be undone.”

Lucy set aside the stack of napkins and pulled out the chair next to Tara. “Listen,” she said, reaching for Tara’s hands. “You’re human. You’ve both made mistakes, hurtful mistakes. But you both clearly love each other or this wouldn’t hurt so much. If you didn’t care with your whole hearts, then there would be no pain. Did he tell you where he was?”

Tara closed her eyes and nodded. “He was working on a surprise for me.”

“Oh, honey.”

“He was looking to buy a new building and was walking through with the owner and thinking of how to renovate it for the office I’ve always wanted.”

Tara risked opening her eyes and looking at her friend. Of course, it didn’t come as a shock when she saw sympathy staring at her.

“I don’t even know if I can fix this, but Marley’s memory is back and she’s afraid—”

“That he’s leaving for good now?”

Tara blew out a sigh and nodded. She had texted both of her friends after the all clear from the doctor regarding Marley’s health. Everyone had been so relieved, but at the same time, that meant playing house was over and they were all back to reality. Too bad she’d fallen in love all over again with her husband.

“He hasn’t left the house because we don’t know how to do that to her again.” Tara pulled her hands from Lucy’s and pushed her hair behind her ears. “But the tension is so high, I don’t know what to do.”

“Maybe talk to him? Why don’t you let Marley come over for a bit after the baby shower?” Lucy suggested. “We’d love to have her and you need the time alone.”

Before Tara could reply, both of their cells chimed.

“Wonder who that is,” Lucy muttered as she came to her feet.

They walked toward the area of the community center where they’d left their purses on the table near the rear exit.

Tara pulled her cell out and glanced at the screen.

“Oh, mercy.”

Lucy gasped as she read her message. “Kate is in labor?”

“It’s too soon,” Tara murmured and glanced at Lucy. “What should we do?”

Lucy looked around the decorated room and shrugged. “We carry on without her. She still needs the gifts that will be brought today and we can explain to everyone to keep her in their thoughts and prayers.”

Tara replied to Gray’s text and told him to call as soon as they had news or if they needed anything at all.

“Well, that puts my problems on the back burner.” Tara crossed to the final table they were setting up. “I really hope the baby is healthy. Five weeks is really early.”

“I’m sure they will all be fine,” Lucy assured her.

Tara pulled in a shaky breath. “They have to be.”

Lucy placed the final folded napkin on the table. “Now,” she said, turning to Tara. “We still have to push through our days, so after the shower, I’ll take Marley home and she and Emma can play. Alright?”

In theory the day sounded perfect and the right opportunity for her to talk to Sam. But honestly, would he even listen to her? Had she damaged their new relationship beyond repair with her accusation?

“I’m not taking no for an answer,” Lucy stated. “She can ride the horses. Noah would love having her help with them.”

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