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For Their Child's Sake

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Tara smiled. “Marley would be upset if she thought I turned down an opportunity for her to ride.”

“Then it’s settled.”

Tara took a deep breath. At least one thing was settled. Now she just had to face Sam and she only had a few hours to decide what to say to him to win him back forever.

* * *

Sam had dropped Marley off at the baby shower and then he’d gone in to the office. Even though he was technically still part-time, he needed to be doing something productive. He couldn’t stay in Tara’s house another minute. Being alone with his thoughts wasn’t smart because then he’d start thinking about how close he’d been to having it all. How everything he’d thought he’d lost but fought for had been right in his grasp...but he’d lost it again.

He stayed out later than he’d planned and ended up at the office building he’d wanted to purchase for Tara. In all honesty, he still would. He loved that woman, even though she’d hurt him. He loved her fiercely and wanted to provide for her. He wanted her dreams to come true and he wanted to be the one who paved the way.

Even if they couldn’t be together, what mattered was that she and Marley were safe, healthy and happy.

By the time he made it to the house it was well after nine. He should’ve called, but really...why? They were in a sense still keeping up the pretense even though Marley knew the truth. Sam didn’t have the heart to tell her that even though they all loved one another, some relationships just weren’t meant to be.

He couldn’t say the words, because he was having a difficult time believing them himself. But love couldn’t override the fact that Tara would always second-guess his actions and decisions. He’d come too far to live in the past. One thing he’d learned from his counselor was that it was okay to think of what happened, why he was such a different man now, but he couldn’t be with people who pulled him matter who they were.

The ache in his heart had only grown over the past week. Sleeping on the couch wasn’t ideal and he truly didn’t want to keep the charade up much longer. They were going to have to talk to each other and come up with a plan to talk to Marley.

Sam parked in the drive and headed toward the door. Daisy ran up and greeted him with a slobbery lick to his arm.

“Well, hello to you, too,” he said, rubbing her head. “You ready to go inside?”

He followed her up onto the deck and opened the screen door, making sure she got in before he closed the door.

When Marley didn’t come running toward him, he wondered where she was. Tara’s car was in the drive, and Marley always wanted a hug when he came home.

Daisy ran into the living room, but Sam stopped short when he spotted a note with his name on it hanging on the refrigerator.

He recognized Tara’s handwriting. Curious, he reached for the note and unfolded the paper.

It’s my turn to leave a note. I’m sorry. I trust you. I love you. My feelings are that simple, yet that scary. I need you in my heart if you can find it in yours to forgive me.

Sam reread the note at least twice more, his heart swelling each time. In all the years they’d known each other, she’d never left him a note. He’d always been the one who would drop her random ones here and there, and the fact she’d kept them did prove she loved him...loved them.

She was reaching out to him, acknowledging her mistake. Hadn’t he made a mistake, as well? Hadn’t he destroyed their happiness? What right did he have to get angry when all of her actions stemmed from him?

Sam folded the letter and started through the house. As soon as he reached the base of the steps, she rounded the landing and stood at the top.

With one hand resting on the newel post, he held up the letter with his other hand. “My first love letter.”

She offered a half smile and crossed her arms. “I thought it was time.”

“How’s Kate doing?”

“I haven’t heard anything.”

Gray had texted Sam and Noah earlier stating he was worried that this was too soon for the baby. Considering Sam had no experience with pregnancies or labor, all he could do was offer support.

“Where’s Marley?”

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