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For Their Child's Sake

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“I’m pretty sure Daisy is a bit much for a newborn,” Tara said. “Maybe when she gets older, she can visit and play with Daisy.”

Marley nodded, her curls bouncing. “I can’t wait.”

“Don’t rush time, little one.” Tara patted Marley’s head and glanced at the adorable new family. “I need to go meet Sam, but if you guys need anything at all, please message me.”

“We will.” Kate cuddled her baby close to her chest and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “We’re so lucky to have such great friends.”

Tara ushered Marley toward the door and led her to the car.

“We’re going to meet Daddy and then we’ll go to dinner,” Tara stated as she drove through downtown Stonerock toward the address Sam had given her. “You get to pick the place.”

Marley clapped. “Really? Oh, I’ve really been wanting a steak. Can I get steak?”

Tara turned onto Cedar Street and glanced at the addresses on the buildings. Up ahead she saw Sam’s truck parked in a side parking lot.

“I say we all get a steak,” Tara replied as she pulled into the lot. “That sounds amazing.”

“What are we doing here?” Marley asked.

“I don’t know.” Tara shut off the engine and grabbed her purse. “Daddy had to work today and asked us to meet him here. Let’s go see if he’s ready because now I’m hungry.”

Tara got out of the car and waited for Marley to come around. She took her daughter’s hand and headed toward the front of the building as Sam stepped out the front door.

“How was the visit?” he asked as he leaned into her and kissed her cheek.

“The baby has grown so much in two months,” Tara said. “Marley and I are ready for dinner and she’s chosen steak. What are we doing here?”

Sam’s smile widened as he gestured toward the front door. “Go inside.”

Tara released Marley’s hand and tipped her head. “You’re awfully mysterious.”

She moved around him and pulled open the double doors. An empty space greeted her and she remembered.

Tara jerked her attention to Sam, who stood before her, smiling wide and holding Marley’s hand.

“You didn’t...”

Sam nodded. “I did. It’s officially yours.”

Tears burned her eyes and she rushed forward, throwing her arms around his neck. “I can’t believe you did this,” she cried.

His arm came around her back as he eased away to kiss her forehead. “I knew I was buying it. No matter how we ended up, this was going to be yours.”

Oh, this man. He had a heart bigger than anyone she’d ever seen and he freely gifted every part of it to her. How did she get so blessed to be given this second chance? Not only a second chance with Sam, but at a new chapter in her career...and their personal life.

Tara pulled in a deep breath. “I have a little surprise of my own.”

Marley jumped up and down. “Another dog?” she squealed.

Tara laughed. “No, I think we’re good with Daisy.”

She directed her attention back to Sam and smiled. His eyes widened.

“What?” he asked. “Are you... Tara?”

She slid a hand over her flat abdomen. “I am.”

“What’s going on?” Marley cried. “Am I finally getting my iguana?”

Sam grabbed Tara again and whisked her around in a circle. As he set her on her feet, he showered her with kisses.

“Do you feel okay?” he asked, framing her face as he stared into her eyes. “Are you happy? Because I can’t tell you how I’m feeling. I can’t find the words.”

Tara laughed, placing her hands on his chest. “I hope that’s a good thing that you’re speechless. But, to answer your question, I’m feeling fine. I’m not sick or overly tired. Completely different from when I was with Marley.”

“Mom, what’s going on?”

Tara flashed a grin toward her daughter as she bent to get eye level. “You may not be getting an iguana, but how about a baby brother or sister?”

Marley’s jaw dropped and for a moment Tara didn’t know if she was going to say anything. Finally, she pumped her fist in the air.

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