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For Their Child's Sake

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“Yes,” she shouted. “I’ll take a brother and I want to name him George.”

Sam laughed and settled his hand on Tara’s shoulder. “We can’t order up what you want,” he told her. “But we’ll keep George as a possibility if the baby is a boy.”

“How soon will we get the baby?” Marley asked.

Tara stood and leaned into her husband’s side. “Not until spring, so we have a while. But we’ll need to get a room ready for the baby. Can you help me with that?”

Marley gave an enthusiastic nod. “I’ve changed my mind. I want a girl so she can join our girls’ club with me, Emma and Fallon.”

“Well, we’ll have to wait and see,” Tara assured her. “But no matter what, I know you’re going to be the best big sister ever.”

Marley tipped her head and grinned. “Will you at least think about the iguana?”

Before Tara could reply, Sam chimed in. “We’ll think about it.”

Marley squealed again and started running in circles around the empty space. Her screams echoed in Tara’s ears, but it was the most precious noise. A happy, healthy girl and a life with the only man she’d ever loved.

She shifted against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know I’m not living with a reptile, right?”

Sam shrugged. “Maybe you’ll change your mind. You let me back in.”

Tara nipped at his lips. “That reminds me. You need to shred those papers you never signed.”

“Babe, I destroyed those long ago. I could never give you up.”

Tara’s heart swelled. She truly had it all now. Sam was back in her life, Marley had been healed and they were growing their family.

“You knew me better than I knew myself.”

Sam kissed her once more. “I knew us. You’re my life, Tara. You and these kids of ours will always be my life.”

Kids. She loved that word and couldn’t wait to start their fresh lives together.

* * *

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