Not Yet - Page 29

No one says anything as we make our way in, and in fact, anytime we pass one of the guys from the football team they high-five with Drake and Liam.

“Dance with me,” Drake demands as he pulls me onto the dance floor.

I forget about everyone else and let him lead me and it all seems normal. A few people glance our way, but I think they would no matter who Drake was with. He isn’t known to be seen with someone.

“Bathroom break,” Lindsey shouts over the music a few songs later.

Drake gives me a kiss before he lets me go. “I’ll get you a drink,” he tells me and I nod.

I’m thankful I agreed to come because I’m having one of the best nights of my life. People can look all they want because I don’t care. High school will be over soon and we will be out in the real world. What they think of us doesn’t matter.

“I’m out of shape,” Lindsey jokes when we enter the bathroom.

I touch up my lipstick as I wait for her to finish, and I smile, thinking that Drake is giving my lip stain a run for its money.

“He’s not doing our dance!” I turn at the sound of Court’s screech.

She’s standing in the entrance to the bathroom looking beyond pissed. Lindsey steps out of her stall to glance over at Court. She rolls her eyes dismissively and goes to wash her hands.

“He has to do the dance,” Court says again when she realizes I’m not going to engage with her.

“He doesn’t have to do anything.” I step toward her so we can leave the bathroom, but she’s in my way. “Would you let your man dance with a girl that’s been trying to get her claws into him?”

“So he’s not doing it because you told him he can’t.” She narrows her eyes like she’s won a small victory. She’s so wrong. If I didn’t exist he still wouldn’t dance with her.

“Oh, I told him not to dance with you,” I admit, unashamed about it. When it comes to Drake I’m not hiding how I feel anymore. “But trust me, he wasn’t going to dance with you anyway, so let it go.” There are so many more hurtful things I could say but it would only take me down to her level and she isn’t going to make me be that person.

“You’re disgusting,” she spits out. Maybe she’s after a fight but I’m not going to give it to her. “He’s your brother.” She hisses like a snake.

“Stepbrother,” I correct. “And I’m sure my brother and I are going to do all kinds of disgusting things tonight.” I sidestep Court with that small jab.

“Don’t even fucking think about it.”

I turn at the sound of Lindsey’s voice and see she’s got Court by the wrist in midair. She was going to hit me.

Lindsey shoves her and lets go. Court trips in her heels and falls to the floor. Dakota and Kira just stand there, wide-eyed and confused.

“Thanks,” I tell Lindsey because I wouldn’t have seen that coming.

A few other girls that are in the bathroom giggle, clearly enjoying the sight of Court on the bathroom floor.

Lindsey steps over her and then rolls her eyes at the Blonde Brigade. “Jesus, help your friend up, dummies.”

They move into action as we leave the bathroom and walk out on a stunned Court.

“I can’t believe she was going to hit you,” Lindsay marvels when we clear the bathroom.

“I’m not surprised. She showed that picture of Drake and me kissing to everyone. She had to have followed us from the game to Joe’s. She was looking for something to get over Drake. I don’t know why she thought that would send her into his arms. I just hope she got the message loud and clear.” Drake and I are together and nothing she can do or say will ever change that. She can try and shame us or throw a fit, but that won’t change anything in the end.

“I missed you,” Drake says when we get back to the guys.

We don’t tell them about the bathroom. Instead we drink and eat cake and dance until my feet hurt. I don’t see any of the Blonde Brigade after that. In fact, a few girls walk by and give Lindsey and me happy nudges. I’m guessing the other girls in the bathroom are telling the story and it looks as though they’re enjoying them being brought down a peg or two.

“You ready, Ali girl?” Drake asks me.

“For longer than you know.” I look up at him and it feels so good to be back in his arms. I don’t know how I went without this for so long.

“Then let’s get out of here. I’m done waiting, and if Eric doesn’t stop looking at your tits I’m not going to be as nice as you were to Court.”

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024