Rock 'n' Roll Baby - Page 5

This could not only set him up for life but Nick and Benjy too. I love all of them. It would hurt to see them leave without me, to have this whole other life, but it would hurt just as much to not see them live out their dreams. Linc can work out the rest later. We’d somehow make it work. We always did.

He doesn’t have to be with me for me to know he loves me. People think we’re too young to be so deeply in love, but I beg to differ. I would trust Linc with my life. I know deep inside of me that he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me. I may be young but I know that solid relationships are built on trust.

I hit send on the last email, dropping back in my chair. I have no doubt that someone will call. I probably sound like every other person that sends this stuff out. But you know what they say: you gotta be in it to win it. The worst that could happen would be that there was no response.

The good thing about that is I’d be the only one who would ever know. But I know that won’t be the case because they are all beyond gifted. I just have to get them out there. Once they get into people’s ears, they won’t be able to stop listening. I sent emails with links to tracks to everyone I could think of. From agents to labels and all the local radio stations. I could be doing it all wrong, but it is something.

“Are you doing homework?”

I tab out of my emails, pulling back up an admissions application to a local college. I am getting good at doing these. I’ve applied everywhere at this point. It isn’t about getting accepted; it’s more about who would offer me the most aid. I knew my grades would stand up just about anywhere, but my financial situation is pretty much nonexistent.

“More applications.” Linc pushes my hair off my shoulder, kissing me on the neck.

“You say I’m the one that’s going to make it big. I think we know it’s your brain that is going to take us places.” He picks me up, setting me back down in his lap.

“How was practice?” I try to keep filling in the form, but Linc’s hand slips inside of my shorts. My head drops back to rest on his shoulder.

“Good. Still a little tense but better once I told Benjy you booked us for next weekend.” Linc plays with the seam of my panties. I wiggle against him, pushing down on his cock. The man is always hard. “You are always coming through for us.” He kisses me under my ear this time. My eyes fall closed.

It’s nice when we have the house to ourselves. I pretend in my mind it’s our reality. That we live a peaceful life together. One where I don’t have to leave to go back to my parents’. I hate it so much there.

“I could be coming in other ways.” I turn my head and offer him my mouth. Linc doesn’t have to be asked. He takes the kiss. My lips part for him as his tongue slips into my mouth. He pulls my panties to the side as his legs part mine, spreading my legs wider for him.

“Wet already.”

“Always.” I breathe against his mouth. He pushes a finger inside of me, his thumb going to my clit. He knows my body. It doesn’t take him but a few strokes and he has me.

“You’re mine, sweet girl.” Those are the last words I hear before I fall over the edge. I scream his name as the orgasm flows through my body. I relax against him. “Mouth, Cherry.” I turn in his arms, straddling him to give him his kiss. I dig my fingers into his short hair. He stands with me in his arms, carrying me over to his bed and laying me down.

I watch as he slowly strips off his shirt and pants before he climbs over me. He leans down, giving me a soft kiss. Letting me know what he’s about to give me. I have no idea how much time we have together.

I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I know somehow we’ll end up together. We have to. Linc is my whole world. Everything else is what happened to us. He is the one thing in life that is consistent for me. I know he’ll never let me down. That he’ll always be there for me. It’s why I have to do this for him. Because I love him and he’s the only person in the world that’s ever truly loved me.

“Cherry.” He looks down at me, brushing some of my hair out of my face. “You okay?”

Tags: Ella Goode Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024