Something So Perfect (Something So 2) - Page 18

He smiles at me, his eyes becoming lighter.

“Do you think my father would do this if he didn’t believe in you? You think everyone would be taking a chance on you if you weren’t that good?” I shake my head. “It’s because you’re that good that people want to knock you down.”

“My parents are always the ones to talk me down, always there to cheer me on. I guess them not being here is bugging me more than I thought.” He grabs the hand that’s hanging by my side in his. “Will you be in the stands tonight?”

“There isn’t any place I’d rather be.” I smile at him while he squeezes my hand. “Would it help if I wore a jersey with your name on it?”

“You would do that for me, babe?” He tries to hide his laugh, and I push him away with my hand.

“Not anymore.” I look out and see that the car is here to bring us in. “Now let’s go show them that Matthew Grant is back. With a vengeance.” I grab my jacket, putting it on and grabbing my purse.

“You look hot,” he says, standing up, and I finally see all of him. His jacket is tight around his arms. His tie is a skinny black. He’s perfection, complete and utter perfection.

“You’re not bad yourself.” I smile at him. “Now grab the bags and let’s go.” I point to the bags at the door, waiting for him to walk out before locking up.

The drive to the arena is quiet. We just look out and I don’t move my hand when I feel his on top of mine. I let him have this because I know he needs it, and if I’m honest, the butterflies in my stomach stop me also.

When we get into the arena, there’s already a camera crew waiting to capture this moment. Matthew opens his door, stepping out, the pictures snapping already. I get out from my side, hiding behind him, but he stops so I can walk by his side, his hand going to the small of my back when we make it through the doors that will lead him to the locker room. I don’t have time to say anything to him because Robert is here waiting for him.

“There he is.” He shakes his hand while slapping him on the shoulder. “Ready to do this?”

Matthew smiles at me. “I am now.” He winks at me, making me roll my eyes, and walks down the hallway.

I lean against the wall, catching my breath. The public relations girl, Mindy, comes up to find me. She’s dressed in a pant suit, an earpiece in her ear, with a clipboard in her hands.

“Karrie?” she asks, not sure till I smile. “I’m Mindy. I was sent by Matthew to make sure I show you around. Now I’ve emailed you all the itineraries for the next couple of months. You have a seat on the plane and the bus, you travel with the team, so please make sure you are dressed appropriately.” She smiles at me. “Also I’ve contacted the hotels and you’ll be under Matthew’s name with a connecting door. Also I have your badges for the wives’ box as well as a seat ticket in case—” She stops talking when her phone rings, and she picks it up and starts telling them there was a mistake. She moves the phone from her mouth. “If you need anything, my number is at the bottom of the email.” With that, she nods and walks away.

I finally make my way toward the hallway where I almost run into a guy who is looking down at his phone.

He’s wearing a blue suit, a navy tie, and he has a beanie on. A blond scuff on his face. “Sorry,” he says, smiling. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

I shake my head. “No worries. It’s okay.” I smile and I’m about to walk around him when he stops me with his hand on my arm.

“I’m Jamie. I play for New York.” He smiles at me, holding out his hand.

I don’t want to be rude, so I grab it and shake it.

“I’m Karrie Cooney.” The forced smile is still on my face.

“Shit, the boss’s daughter.” He laughs. “Just my luck. The only girl to pique my interest and she’s off-limits.”

I don’t say anything because a big booming voice interrupts us,

“Totally off-limits, bud.”

I look over Jamie’s shoulder, finding Matthew, who has changed out of his suit and is now in his workout gear. Jamie smiles at Matthew, walking past him, slapping him on the back.

“Got it.” Is all Jamie says, making me cross my arms.

“The nerve of him,” I grumble, turning around while I walk toward the arena where I flash my badge. I walk into the arena, stopping at the gift shop and I’m right away shocked at all the Matthew shirts that are hanging everywhere. I grab a jersey and a couple of shirts. Once I pay for the shirts, I walk out where I bump into a couple of the wives I’ve met through the years at some of the fundraising activities. I follow them into the box where we sit and have something to eat and I grab a glass of white wine.

Tags: Natasha Madison Something So Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024