Insatiable A Dark Romance - Page 41

How I wonder what you are…

Really. Fucking. Dark.

Up above the world so high… like a diamond in the sky!

Can’t see my hand in front of my face.

Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle

The track loops and the words blare as the lights come on, fluorescents searing my retinas. ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ is ramping up to the same level as a 747 taking off, loud enough to damage hearing if it’s left on for sustained periods.

Since being taken in I’ve learned that when the military try to break you, they get weird. They can’t risk messing with my sanity too much though. If I go mad from the music I’m never going to tell them how I made Regenermax actually work. I’ve pointed that out, but I think they like their methods of torment. They tell me it could be worse. I believe them.

They’ve been holding me for three days. In those three days, in between creative attempts to break my spirit, I’ve been assured that Briarlee is alive. I can’t see her, not until I give them what they want—the Regenermax formula. They’ve asked nicely. They’ve asked not so nicely. They’ve bargained with me. They’ve threatened me. They’ve offered me money. But they haven’t offered me the one thing I want: freedom.

The music stops suddenly. The silence is weird. Almost eerie. Footsteps at the door sound far away for some reason, even when it opens.

“We’re letting you out. Need you to catch someone.” I don’t know who the speaker is. None of them tell me their names. All of them hide the patch on their uniforms where the name would be.

It was only a matter of time before they tried to use me as some kind of brute on a leash. I’m surprised it happened so quickly.


“Miss Smith has evidently gotten out, is not responding to tranquilizer, and is causing a significant disturbance.”

“You want me to catch Briarlee for you? Not going to happen.”

“If we don’t get her under control soon, we’re going to have to shoot her.”

It takes everything I have not to grab his head and twist it off his body. “You shoot her, you harm one hair on her head, and you’ll never get anything from me. Ever. I will go on a rampage the likes of which you’ve never seen. I will destroy you and yours, and you will regret the moment you ever drew breath.”

“Enough with the threats, Doctor Knight. Come and get her.”

They lead me out of the room of breaking and into the light of day. It doesn’t take long to see where their problem is.

Briarlee is running around the center of the compound, stark naked. The effects of the Regenermax are clear even at a distance. She’s more toned than she was last time I saw her, and her curves are more pronounced. In my body, Regenermax produced hyper-masculine changes. In hers, it has brought out the feminine. I can barely see the scars where the bullets entered, and her current state suggests she’s still fully under the influence, three days on.

Whenever anyone gets close to her, she turns and advances on them. She’s looking for something. She’s looking for me.

The relief I feel at seeing her alive is immeasurable. This is the woman I knew would die if I didn’t allow myself to be captured. This is the creature I love more than anything in the world. I would die for her a hundred times. And not only is she alive, but she’s healthy. The Regenermax worked. But it’s had some strong side effects too.

As I look on, Briarlee approaches a vehicle and begins to grind against it. The motions of her hips and ass are desperate, the rutting gyrations of an animal who is in high heat.

I know what she’s feeling. I know the terrible desire that makes you feel as though your blood is on fire. I know the need that will not let you go. Briarlee is deep in lust’s fever grip.

Her thighs are slicked with lust all the way down to her knees. I thought a commanding, demanding erection that would not go away was bad enough, but I can see the suffering her needy sex is giving her.

I approach her slowly from behind. Mustn’t startle her. I don’t know how conscious she is of what she’s doing. I don’t know what state she’s in mentally, aside from the lust.

“Briarlee…” I say her name gently.

She whirls around, stares at me with those pretty eyes that have always wrapped me around her little finger—and she leaps on me.

I catch her as she dives, knocking me to the ground, her pelvis threatening to grind me to dust. She doesn’t speak. The sounds she’s making are grunts and moans, not quite human.

I have to take control. I have to give her what she needs. There’s half a base watching, but this is no time for modesty. That lust won’t clear until she orgasms. Hard.

Tags: Loki Renard Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024