Insatiable A Dark Romance - Page 49

We are more than lovers. We are soulmates in every sense of the word. The thing at the very core of us, our true essence, is bonded completely. And the future we are fleeing toward, whether it culminates in spending the rest of our days in the wild, or ends minutes from now bleeding into the dirt, is good. It’s good because it’s ours.

There are those who would control us. There are those who have plans to use us. There are those who would crush every bit of life and spirit from us for their own ends. Our entire existence has been spent inside a construct we never truly understood until we stepped outside it.

The Regenermax has made me more animal. I feel the great tragedy of what was my life, so modern and so twisted I didn’t know what I needed from it. I thought I needed nice clothes, a good job. I thought I needed a guy who made a lot of money. I thought I needed to live in a house that was nicer than any of my friends’ houses. I thought all those things would come to me if I kept pushing Daniel away and kept going for what I had been told to want.

In the end, all that matters are these breaths I take, drawing the oxygen deep into my lungs. Daniel’s great body beside mine shelters and guides me. We are both beasts now. We have given way to whatever is at the very base of a human. The Regenermax has given us more power, but it has stripped us of civilization. All that careful conditioning we’ve been under since birth to make us perfect little citizens is gone.

I am naked, and I don’t care. There is no shame left in me. There can be no shame in this state where only the animal roams.

Time has ceased to be of concern. It is only the light that matters. It is waning, the sky turning bright golden orange in the horizon. We head toward that great sunset, running until we find the mouth of a cave. There is no hesitation in dipping into it. These mountains are full of natural cave systems, some of which run for miles, many of which have never been charted.

We feel the safety as the walls close in and the tunnels branch and twist. Finally we are in total silent darkness. We are as man and woman were at the beginning of time, sheltering in deep caves away from predators, finding solace in one another.

They’ll never find us. Because we’re not Daniel Knight or Briarlee Smith anymore. The soft fine hair that has always covered my arms and legs in down is growing thicker. Daniel’s face has changed too. The first round of Regenermax made him unrecognizable to me all those months ago. His brow, his jaw, all growing more prominent.

This second dose has amplified that effect. His head is huge, his jaw is even more thick and powerful, his chin is stronger and squarer. His hair has already started to look thicker, and it seems longer. Mine does too. It is almost at my shoulders. When I reach to look at it, I see that the back of my arm no longer has fine hair on it. That too has thickened. We look more animal than human.

This realization should bring fear, maybe disgust. But it doesn’t. The pale, weak aesthetics of the human form don’t interest me anymore. I don’t need pretty. I need passion.

With a masculine growl, Daniel grabs me, swings me off my feet. In his brutish arms, I am delicate and ever female. He impales me on his cock in one swift stroke. There is no hesitation. There is no foreplay. No words of compliment or the little lies humans speak to each other in moments of lust. There is only him inside me, my cunt wrapped around his cock, our passion taking precedence over all things.

We fuck on the cave floor, our bodies writhing in primal passion. He pins me in place, one hand in my hair, holding my head down as he pushes between my legs and slams inside me, my knees raising high and spreading so he can get deeper and deeper, fill my wet fuck hole with the thick rod of his cock. I am stretched. I am dominated. I am taken. I am free.


Is Bigfoot having a baby?

There are reports of a small family of Bigfoot living in the Canadian Rockies! Several witnesses on a hunting trip say they have seen a male and a female creature matching Bigfoot descriptions in the foothills. They’re described as large, upright hominids, covered in thick pelts of fur, extremely shy of human contact. Ms. Flanagan of Wishing Springs claims to have spent several minutes observing the pair bathing in a hot spring, and says the female appeared to be heavily pregnant—congratulations, Mr. Bigfoot, you’re going to be a daddy!

Tags: Loki Renard Erotic
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