The Italian Billionaire's New Year Bride - Page 40

A strange feeling washed over Matteo. She’d objected quite strongly to the trip to Rome. “Phoebe, are you scared of flying? Haven’t you ever flown before?”

She didn’t even open her eyes, or release her grip. There was a tic at the side of her jaw as she spoke through clenched teeth. “I’ve flown lots of times. Just not recently.”

“And are you always like this when you fly?”

He was astonished. She generally seemed quite relaxed and happy. This was a whole other side of her. The plane started to pick up speed for take-off. As the nose lifted her hand stopped gripping the seat rest and grabbed his hand, squeezing so tightly he lost all feeling in his fingers.

Matteo leaned back in his seat and said nothing. It seemed Phoebe’s grip was stronger than expected. After a few minutes he put his other hand over hers. “Phoebe, you okay? Want to talk?”

Now he was feeling guilty. He’d given her an ultimatum. He’d forced her to come on this trip. He’d been so blindsided by getting the houses finished and on the market that he hadn’t really considered anything else.

Phoebe started doing some breathing exercises. In. Out. In. Out. He felt himself breathe along with her. Now he knew why she’d been so tetchy. He should have considered something like this.

“Take it easy, Phoebe. We’re up. Safe take-off. You can relax.”

She opened her eyes, and he was surprised to see they were wet with tears. “I won’t relax until we’re back on the ground.”

“You’re that scared of flying? Why didn’t you say?”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “I couldn’t. It’s new. Well, not that new.”

He rubbed her hand again. “At some point I’m going to have to regain the feeling in my fingers. I might need them.” He gave her a gentle smile. “What happened that you feel like this?” He knew he was prying. He knew this was none of his business. But he hated seeing Phoebe like this.

Her grip loosened just a little on his hand, but she didn’t pull it away. “Sorry,” she breathed, then stayed quiet for a few minutes. After a bit she licked her lips and met his gaze. “I had a fiancé. Jason. He was a pilot. He died in a flying accident three years ago.”

It was like being punched in the guts. A fiancé?

“I’m sorry, Phoebe. I had no idea.” He couldn’t help the next words. “What happened?”

She blinked. Her voice was a little shaky. “Engine failure. Double engine failure. Something that shouldn’t happen. Jason tried to land the plane. He had to divert it away from a built-up area and ended up crashing in woods.” She gave her head a shake. “I’ve just had a thing about flying since then.” She took a deep breath. “I had a funeral to go to last year—an old school friend. I’d bought a plane ticket but just couldn’t do it. I ended up driving the four and a half hours to Washington instead of taking the hour-long flight.”

“Is this the first flight you’ve been on?”

She bit her lip and nodded. Matteo hadn’t let go of her hand yet. He gave it another squeeze. “You should have told me.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I tried to say no. You didn’t like that.”

He sighed. “I thought you were just reneging on the deal. I didn’t know there was something else going on. If you’d told me, I would have acted differently.”

“Would you?”

“Of course I would.” He waited a few seconds then added, “But I’m really glad you’re here. Just wait. It will be worth it. The first time you do anything again is always the hardest.”

She frowned as she looked at him, almost as if she were connecting the words with something else, then she gave him a soft smile and nodded. “You could be right.”

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I promise you, you’ll love Rome, and you’ll love the house.”

“I hope so,” she said, as she leaned back in her chair and finally pulled her hand away.

Matteo stared down at his hand.

All of a sudden it surprised him how empty his hand felt.

He glanced sideways. Phoebe had been engaged. She’d had a fiancé.

He couldn’t help but be curious about the man that had captured Phoebe Gates’s heart.

He just couldn’t figure out why it made him so uncomfortable.

* * *

The plane gave a jolt and Phoebe felt a tear escape down her cheek. She couldn’t breathe. Was it engine failure? What if she never saw her mother again?

Matteo’s hand closed over hers again. “Grip as hard as you like. It’s just a little bit of turbulence. I can take it.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m here with you, Phoebe. We’ll get through this.”

Tags: Scarlett Wilson Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024