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A Rule Worth Breaking

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If only Jake hadn’t been waylaid by the rest of the band, wanting to discuss the record deal, at the same time that Caitlin had been ensnared by Kenny at the bar, he would have persuaded her to go outside with him and get some fresh air. By the time he’d been able to return his attention to them Jake had seen that they were gone. He’d dashed outside, only to see the tail-end of Kenny’s gleaming sedan with its tinted windows disappearing into the night—no doubt with Caitlin seated snugly beside him while her little blonde girlfriend sat in the back.

* * *

‘I thought you could probably use this.’ Rick placed a steaming cup of black coffee on the bar and pulled up a stool next to Jake.

The venue was slowly emptying of late-night revellers who’d watched the band and were clearly reluctant to go home. Behind the two men bar staff were methodically clearing tables and stacking chairs. A mournful-sounding love song was playing softly in the background, and Jake couldn’t help but feel despondent. The relentless longing for Caitlin that had taken up residence in his heart didn’t abate, and he knew it was serious. The mere idea that she might walk away and find somebody else was simply not to be tolerated. It dawned on him then that he’d move heaven and earth just to be with her…


‘I scrounged it off a pretty barmaid…charmed her with my good looks and irresistible wit.’

‘Now, there’s a surprise,’ Jake commented drolly.

The two men fell silent for a while.

As if disturbed by the gloomy expression that flitted across his friend’s features, Rick remarked consolingly, ‘Kenny’s probably just dropped her off at the guesthouse. Cait’s a clever girl. If he tries anything she’ll soon put him straight.’

‘You think? But I could hardly blame her if she did go home with him, could I?’ Jake stared grimly down into his coffee.

‘You really care about her, don’t you?’

There was a tone of genuine surprise in the other man’s voice.

‘Is that so hard to believe?’

‘I’m sorry, buddy. I just—’

Jake sighed. ‘What I felt for Jodie all those years ago wasn’t love, Rick. I was just tired of being alone and I kidded myself she was important to me in the ridiculous hope that my feelings might grow fonder. Needless to say, when I realised she only wanted me for what she could get, they didn’t. As things turned out…I’m glad about that. I’d rather she took my money and everything I possessed than broke my heart. That’s a pain I couldn’t get over so easily.’ Grimacing, he shook his head. ‘But what I feel for Caitlin is… Well, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I already know she’s got the power to break my heart.’

‘Sounds to me like it’s love, Jake.’

He didn’t dispute the fact. For a few heartfelt moments he let the thought settle.

‘Look, I know I should put the band first, but to tell you the truth I’ve been thinking about resigning as manager and asking you to take over. I was thinking I should get out while the going’s good and limit any disappointment and ill feeling it might cause. Things are really starting to take off for Blue Sky, and you know exactly what to do to maximise their potential and take them right to the top. They trust you, Rick. You’ll all be just fine without me.’

‘Why would you want to resign, Jake? Is it because you’re afraid of hurting Cait?’

‘She deserves this chance just as much as the others do. What she doesn’t deserve is for me to screw it up because I’ve become personally involved with her. I don’t know if I’m capable of maintaining the necessary professional detachment any more. I feel like a house of cards that’s been knocked down. It’s not like me to lose my head over a woman. But since falling for Caitlin I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and my concentration feels like it’s been blown apart by a scatter gun. At this rate I’m not going to be much use to anyone—let alone myself.’

With a rueful grin, Jake raised his coffee to his lips.

It was Rick’s turn to sigh. ‘Trust me, resigning isn’t the answer. Cait wouldn’t want that, and nor would the guys. And nor, for that matter, would I. If you want her then go after her, man! What are you sitting here for? If she has gone back to Kenny’s—’

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