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A Rule Worth Breaking

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‘I thought you said that wasn’t likely?’

Jake’s cup clattered against the saucer and hot black coffee sloshed messily over the side. He was suddenly seized by the most terrible doubt. Would Caitlin have been persuaded by Kenny to go home with him? What if she had agreed in order to teach Jake a lesson?

‘Hey, slow down. Of course it’s not.’ Rick said. ‘Look, I’m sorry if I haven’t been as supportive as I could have been. I guess I’m just very protective of the band. I’ll just have to accept the fact that you and Cait are an item now. Having got to know her a little, and knowing you like I do, I’m sure you won’t let your relationship damage the band in any way. To tell you the truth, I’m glad you’ve finally found someone you really care about. In my opinion, you couldn’t have found anyone better than Caitlin. She’s pretty special. If you really want to check that she’s okay why don’t you drive over to the guesthouse and see if you can talk to her?’ he exhorted.

Moved by his friend’s support, and clutching at a ray of hope he perhaps had no right to cling to, Jake glanced down at his watch.

‘It’s two in the morning, Rick. I booked her into a guesthouse because she said she didn’t want to stay in another soulless swanky hotel, and the place is run by a landlady who’s about as friendly as Attila the Hun. When I booked the place that reassured me. She keeps strict hours and she likes her guests to be back before midnight. The prospect of banging on her door at this hour of the night just so that I can tell Caitlin I—’

‘Love her?’

The grin hijacking his friend’s face was wide. Jake scowled. Then he drove his hands agitatedly through his hair.

‘Is that what you call this perpetual longing and needing and climbing the walls when I can’t be with her?’

The other man nodded knowingly.

Inside Jake’s chest his heartbeat stumbled at the realisation that he’d allowed Caitlin to believe that his attraction to her was purely physical. He’d been seriously kidding himself. Now he knew that he’d put her happiness and wellbeing way above his own. That was why he’d told Rick he was willing to resign as the group’s manager.

He blew out a long, slow breath. ‘Then I guess you’re right. But if she thinks that means us moving in together into some detached mock-Georgian in the suburbs then we’re likely to have our first real fight. I couldn’t do it. That’s why I’ve never settled anywhere. I’m a born gypsy. I get too restless to stay in one place for long…you know that.’

‘Yeah, and I also know that you haven’t even asked the lady what she wants yet. First you need to tell her that you love her. Caitlin’s a great girl, Jake. She’s as passionate as you are and she loves the band. She loves singing. Do you think she would have auditioned if she’d wanted to settle for some safe little existence in the suburbs? I hardly think so.’

Glancing back at Rick, he felt the ray of hope that had surfaced earlier suddenly grow much brighter.

‘Hey, if you ever get tired of being on the road I could see you winding up as some sort of relationship counsellor.’

‘You think so?’

‘No, I don’t.’ To Rick’s consternation, Jake lightly punched him on the shoulder and laughed. ‘Not in a million years.’

‘That aside, what are you going to do about Cait? Are you going to try and see her tonight?’

‘No… Not tonight. It’s been a tough few days and she needs her rest. I’ll just have to trust she went back to the guesthouse with Lia and go and see her in the morning. In the meantime…’ He reached into his back pocket to retrieve his mobile, ‘I’ll send her a text…just to check.’

‘Sounds like a plan. Now that’s settled, how about a real drink?’

Signalling to one of the barmaids, Rick gave her one of his incorrigible smiles and looked hopeful.

* * *

Having ordered a latte and a blueberry muffin, Caitlin stared out through the café window at the frigid purple and grey sky that definitely heralded rain. It didn’t particularly disturb her. She couldn’t feel much gloomier than she did already.

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