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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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Lexi wanted to retort some snide remark about how completely original he was, but he was kind of cute so she refrained. Instead she just smiled at him in an all-knowing way that made his addled mind kick into over drive. "You're right. I've never been here," she murmured.

"What?" he cried trying to hear her over the music that had increased in proportion to the length of time she had spent in the establishment.

Lexi leaned forward resting her hand on his chest. She rose up onto her tiptoes until her mouth was just next to his ear and said, "I've never been here. Perhaps you could show me around."

The guy's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at her comment. He turned back to his friends and made some kind of fist pump. They all cheered him on as if she wasn't standing there. Lexi felt a little sick to her stomach at how dumb he was already turning out to be, but she couldn't exactly turn back now. She at least owned him one dance after her forwardness.

His hands gripped her hips forcefully as he corralled her out onto the dance floor. Even as drunk as she was she knew that he had no rhythm. And when she said no rhythm, she really meant no rhythm. If the guy had two left feet, he would be able to do better than he was at that moment. She knew that alcohol typically made you more willing to dance, but this was just embarrassing. She almost felt like someone was playing a practical joke on her.

But she couldn't figure a way out of this situation. His hands were like a vice lock on her hips as he sway backed and forth uncoordinatedly. Every time she attempted to slip away, he would grab her even harder and she was starting to wonder if she was going to be bruised in the morning.

Finally, she reached in for her last ditch effort and leaned back to speak into his ear again, "Can we get out of here?" she asked hoping he would take the bait.

Of course he did as he did one last horrible dance move, grabbed a hold of her wrist, and veered her to the front door. She stood in place for a second as he attempted to yank her around. "Hey, don't move. I have to use the ladies room and I'll be right back," she said watching recognition reach his brain. He let go of her wrist and leaned back against the wall to wait for her…indefinitely.

Lexi made a beeline for the ladies room to check out the damage from dancing with that idiot. She knew it had been a mistake to come out to a place like this in hopes of finding someone who would be boyfriend material. The last thing she wanted in her life right now was some loser pretending to be her boyfriend. She couldn't do that for anyone. She didn't even care if Chyna's father assaulted her with his menacing eyes once more time. A cold chill rushed down her back at the thought and she tried to push the thought aside.

After pushing her way through the line at the bathroom and reassuring about a dozen girls that she wasn't cutting, she eventually made it in front of a mirror. She yanked her tube top up a smidge further than it already was and peered at herself through the dim lighting. Perhaps she had been overreacting when she had been out dancing. The skin wasn't sensitive to the touch and all in all she still looked stellar. Her hair was wild, but it worked for her. She liked how her flushed appearance only added to her sensual appeal.

Several girls began shoving Lexi out of the way so she quickly exited the bathroom. Surveying the surrounding area to make sure that guy had followed her, Lexi wandered back towards the bar in search of Chyna. She hadn't found anything like what she was looking for here tonight. All she wanted to do was go home and take a long hot bath. She didn't have class tomorrow, but she had enough homework to stress over that partying tonight any longer would be a mistake. Her mind was already muddled enough to dance with some loser who was way too aggressive for his own good. She just needed to get out of there.

As she approached the bar, Lexi noticed the crowd clearing from the direction of the dance floor. Curious, Lexi moved forward to find out what was going on. Her heart began pounding furiously in her ears. She immediately felt sober and alert as adrenaline pumped through her system at record speeds. She darted forward into the open space her breathing accelerating with fear.

"What happened to her?" Lexi asked reaching her hand and placing it on Chyna's forehead. A man was holding her limp in his arms and she looked as if she were completely passed out. There was no way that this could have happened in the time they had been separated. Chyna drank too much to get black out drunk in this short period of time. There was just no way that alcohol could have made her pass out this way with her tolerance.

"Is she okay?" She knew her voice was hysterical, but she couldn't control it.

Lexi didn't even care who the guy was that was carrying her. She was just so terrified that she was losing her best friend. How could she let one more terrible thing happen in her life? Hadn't she suffered enough?

"Do you know this woman?" the man asked his voice deep and husky.

"Of course I know her. She's my best friend. What's wrong with her?"

"Let's get out of here," he said nodding his head toward the exit.

Lexi didn't even think twice. She bolted towards the door. All she could think about was Chyna's safety. A wave of guilt washed over her as she thought about how she had let her wander off even with a bad feeling in her stomach. Had she allowed this to happen? Somehow she couldn't help thinking that this was partly her fault. What type of person let this happen?

Just as she reached the door, she felt a hand reach out and grip her wrist. "There you are." Lexi recognized the man who she had been avoiding and nearly cursed a loud.

"Get your hands off me," she cried unable to deal with him while she had Chyna to worry about.

"Oh come on baby. Let's go back to my place," he moaned groping her body. She smacked his arm with her free hand, but he was too drunk to even notice.

"I hope I never see you again, you sick, twisted f**k," she yelled rearing back and kicking him full on in the shin with her high heel.

The guy stumbled backwards a few steps directly into a large bouncer dressed head to toe in black. "You stupid bitch," the guy yelled pulling his leg up and hopping on one foot.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the bouncer commanded gripping the obnoxiously drunk man by the shoulder and shoving him out the front door.

Lexi couldn't even take time to consider what had just happened because Chyna was still on her mind. She followed the man who was carrying Chyna out the front door. "Sorry about that. What's going on?" Lexi asked concerned.

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